Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Silence. And then NOT silence.

 I get so tired of being negative and scared and putting these things on my personal page, so I say I'm not going to post anything but sweetness and good things.

Then I get an email or a text from someone thanking me for saying what they feel but would be criticized for saying.

And the rest is political, so be warned and read only if afraid.  I think one day my granddaughters will read this and learn more about my life - that it was more than cat and flower pictures.

  I'll be back later with nice things.  It's my birthday week, and I'm already getting pretty things - a hummingbird card and some dish towels.  A visit with the girls Wednesday.  Football game Saturday.  Lunch with Emily Monday.  These things keep me going in the worst of times.  I'll have some pictures tomorrow.

I'm sorry I don't have the comment feature available, because I would like to hear other people's views.  I'm not interested in debates and arguments, but I do like to hear reasons for why people do things.  When this president was first got elected, I asked people why they voted for him - just out of curiosity - because I didn't know how deeply he would divide our country and how much harm he would cause.  

I got no real answers.  Ummmm - not Hilary.  Ummmm - church.  Ummmm - I hate Obama.  No one seemed to have one good reason except they had always voted Republican maybe.  Just the other day, someone said, "I think Trump is dangerous and wish I didn't have to vote for him, but I can't vote for the other one."  What?  How much worse could anyone else be?

I don't care whether a Republican or a Democrat or an Independent leads our country, but the key word is "lead" -  not just cater to those who support him and punish those who don't - but everyone who is a citizen.

I've found an opinion piece but one which is so close to home that I'm posting it here.   It's a genuinely terrifying list of ten ways Trump is becoming a dictator.  I see every one of them.  


A few of them:

Trying to suppress and intimidate media (freedom //of speech).

Building an official pro-Trump media, excusing every lie and atrocity.  Do they even know he was impeached?

Enforcing the law for only one side.  Propping up white supremacist groups and blaming violence on left-wing protests.  Surrounding himself with criminals and excusing their crimes.

Fearmongering.  Totally!  ANTIFA is moving to your neighborhood.  Biden wants to close the schools!! The dems want to take your comfortable life away!!

Demonizing the opposition instead of being able to have conversations and work together.  Name-calling, 

Surely there is someone out there to lead our country who follows the constitution and cares about the people.  Surely.  

I'll know I have to leave FB again because of the hate that keeps seeping in where I have to see it.  And then I'll get a little encouragement from my friends.  There will be very few presidents in the years I have left, and I hope this is not all there is.  A country led by the folks with MAGA hats screaming their praise for an inept president - kind of like a disgusting game show. Our country shouldn't be dragged down to that level.  

Only sweetness from now on - until I can't any more.

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