Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Good Tuesday - So Far

 It's only 9:20, so that might change, but for such a rainy day it's off to a good start.  I was lying in bed wondering when to get up when Noreen texted and asked if I was up for a walk in about 15 minutes.  She helps her daughter with remote school for her boys so has to be up and out early.  When I saw it, that gave me only 12 minutes, and I waffled a little, but what the heck, I just decided it would do me good. 

And it did.  Temp was 58, so I grabbed a sweatshirt, but when I got outside, I saw that it was raining so ran back in to trade it for a rain jacket.  It was a perfect walk, just a little drizzle and no one but us out other than a few cars that passed by downtown.  The only problem was making ourselves heard with masks and hoods!  We did great though and both thanked the other for making us do it.  

That first cup of coffee is extra good now, and I have just enough time before Mah-Jong to check emails and texts and make my sewing plans.  I'm glad I don't have FaceTime for Mah-Jong, because I have that drowned-rat look.  

I hope to have the girls' bonnets done by tonight, and we'll get together tomorrow afternoon for a try-on.  I hope Graysen can help me with the aprons since there's a lot of straight-line sewing.  Emily and I want to try to get the girls some one-on-one time so they're not both talking at once and trying to catch me up on everything that's happened since I saw them.

A not very good picture of the bonnet brims.

I'm using a tutorial by Jamie Sanders of Scattered Thoughts of a Crafty Mom.  She really goes into detail about the whole costume, and that might come in handy one day if there is a costume need.

It's so much better than the one I made the girls in the 80s.  I put iron-on interfacing in the brim, and there's a little gathered tie in the back.  

They will love it, but I doubt they're going to use it much.  Graysen is totally into roughing it and living the old-fashioned way, or thinking about it, but Katherine is not so excited about it.  She likes her comforts.  The neighborhood girls in Thomaston had several years of acting out the stories, but that was another time, and I think the show was on TV for them to watch.  I love it that Emily is reading as many of the old classics as she can remember to them, and they're loving them.  

I'm going to add on here later this afternoon after I finish Mah-Jong - if I get anything else done.  I love rainy afternoons for sewing.  

I guess I never updated this earlier, but now I can say that I won TWO games out of four in Mah-Jong.  I'm glad I learned this game.  It's neat, and it's also good to hear the voices of the other three players even if we can't get together right now.  

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