Friday, April 20, 2018

It Stopped Raining for a Minute

After gymnastics and lunch at the corndog place, Graysen was eager to get into play clothes.  She picked out Katherine's as well as hers.  I told her it wasn't THAT warm, but they didn't seem to notice.  I sat on the front steps in my jacket while they ran and laughed and played tag and climbed the little cherry tree.  

We went to Fred Meyer last week, and Emily got a plant to replace Mr.  Brown.  We've all got kind of attached to him.

No pictures yet, but I did work on the balcony yesterday and got a tomato and 2 geraniums planted.  Like I said, it's not THAT warm yet.  Elise got a couple of herbs and enjoyed planting them.  We have a full garden plot rented for the year and we're eager to start digging in when it's warm enough.  We bought some peppers and dahlias so far.

I realized I'm not taking many pictures lately for some reason so decided to try to take some this week,

Our Dairy Freeze lunch after gymnastics, which the girls insisted on eating outside.  Graysen sort of wishing shé'd brought her jacket out.

This may be the reason for the eagerness to eat outside.  I hope he's not permanent because neither girl would sit down at a table.

Playing before gymnastics started.

I parked in a different place Wednesday and got to observe Graysen playing in the garden at school.

It all looked so rustic and precious, but once they discovered me standing there, they confessed they were trying to make something to make people sick.

When we were picking up Katherine, we decided to take some pictures there too.

It's difficult to leave her Paw Patrol Crocs (or craps, as she calls them) at school.  I've yet to see them on the right feet.

I never get tired of looking at the mountains every morning.

We actually had about three big rumbles of thunder yesterday, and we loved it, running to the door in wonder.  I'll be visiting Alabama next week and hope for a small thunderstorm.

Emily is away for three days for a conference.  Graysen told the other gymnastics mothers she was gone for three months.  Ha.  I'll probably see a little more of the girls over the weekend.  Tomorrow after school is the Rooster Valley Daddy Dash - which Ryan looks forward to more every year.  I've never seen one, but just from the picture, the kids and dads have a number of obstacles and activities to go through together.  He has two more of them to look forward to when Katherine gets there.

Just some Rooster Valley pictures from Egg Week, Easter Egg Hunt, and everyday life with friends - animal and people.

Dropping raw eggs into various substances was almost more than Graysen could take.

And green eggs were definitely something she couldn't take.