Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Heat Wave and More Anger

 For 3 or 4 days, we're going to be seeing that sunshine icon on the weather report plus temperatures into the 90s.  I think I can take that for a few days!

I'm going to water the garden before it gets warm, which won't be until about noon to 6:00.  I'll celebrate by making a pitcher of tea and reading outside this afternoon.  Thank goodness the smoke seems to have cleared, but it's horrible about the fires, the lost homes, lost trees, and wildlife without homes.  I saw a post on the community page yesterday that made me incredibly sad saying to put out water for the frightened animals and don't shoot them.  I guess unless they're threatening your life.  

I'm in THAT kind of mood today, and I'm not sure how it will end up.  This is where I vent, and if anyone still reads this blog, they're welcome to skip right on by my opinions.  

I've enjoyed a few exchanges on Facebook and got to catch up with some old friends.  That was fun.   And then last night I saw this.  I should know better.  I've blocked so many people, but still a few slip through, and I'm amazed every time.

Copy and paste didn't work, but this was posted and actually shared and believed.  ----  

My pastor put it clearly this morning.  This coming election is the Children of God vs. the Children of Satan.  The Children of God need to ensure they are registered to vote and then get out and vote in November. 

These are the things that make me physically sick.  This person is calling me a "child of Satan" because I am against a corrupt and ungodly person to lead our country. Because I didn't buy into the cult.  She's saying that God is on the side of bigotry, lying, deception, and corruption. Not the God I've always believed in.  If at least half the country believes this, it's not a country I want to be a part of, and my heart breaks for all the good people who are trying to fight this ignorance.

We "children of Satan" know all this, but  the so-called children of God are so caught up in the cult of trump that they don't even have common sense.  Fox News and the other conspiracy news outlets have been responsible for promoting this corruption and dividing this country beyond repair.  What other president in history has been allowed to have his own media outlet for his propaganda and try to destroy the freedom of speech when the truth is spoken against him.

The "children of God" are backing a person who is breaking constitutional laws by campaigning on the White House grounds.  And no one cares or is brave enough to do anything.  He gave a speech yesterday accusing his rival of things that were fact-checked and found out to be total lies.  And no one cares.

And this.  Oh, my word!  

Maybe one should ask the question of why the Postal Union would ever back the person who is working overtime to destroy their jobs and livelihood just to corrupt the system to get him re-elected.  The person who wrote this thinks Democrats are now going to tamper with the mail and destroy Republican ballots.  Okay....  If they had backed Trump, then does this mean that Republicans would get a chance to tamper with the election.  Oh, right.  They're going to anyway through Russia so why be so upset.  

 I bet there are meetings all over the country now to make plans for postal workers to intercept Republican ballots.  But what if there are people in the Postal Union who are Republicans?  Do they have to destroy their own ballots?  The ignorance abounds.

I'm afraid not to educate myself about what's going on, but when I do, it just angers me so much.  I could never have dreamed our country could sink this low.  Hopefully, I will find other things to do to free up my mind today.  I'm listening to a P. G. Wodehouse book that is so refreshing.  Again, coffee, tea, Wodehouse and deep breaths all day.

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