Sometimes at night I wonder where my day went, and I thought today I would follow my mind and see where it leads me.
It starts before I wake up because I don't have to be controlled by an alarm clock, and I have so much that is running through my mind that I just have to get up to stop it. Good things and bad. When the bad starts taking over, that's when I get up and get busy!
It's Labor Day, but I don't think that means anything to me personally, as far as gathering and celebrating, but I am thankful for the chance that Mike and I as well as our parents had the opportunity to work all our lives.
I plan to make a strawberry lemonade super simple pie for the Win-Bins if they want it. If they don't, it will go in the freezer, because I am one-third of the way to having a Bright Line Eating bright day. I didn't plan to post pictures of my food today, so what you see is what you get. Two eggs, oatmeal and frozen blueberries. And Angelina's Coffee.
I have a subscription to Green Mountain Coffee and adjust the dates and types of coffee according to when I need it, but I saw an ad for this company I've never heard of. Angelina's. There was a great offer, so much better than Green Mountain on subscription, so I tried a one-time order. I got a couple of flavors and really liked them.
These are my last two pods, so I'd better work on some comparisons and get an order in. The Italian Roast is pretty dark, but I like it. Donut shop is medium dark. I'm not sure why it's called Donut Shop. Sounds like it would taste more like a donut!
I have another box of 24 of the Green Mountain Donut blend to use, and then it will be time for these! I limit it to the fall, because that makes it more special. This is not sweet either, but it has that cinnamon/yeasty smell, just like cinnamon rolls.

Sometimes you just need a change. I'll probably order more from them when the time comes and maybe even get a subscription.
I didn't find my newspaper until yesterday afternoon, so I would love to take it outside and read it with another cup of coffee, but I'm afraid it's still a little chilly. And I do hear my neighbors expressing their political opinions that come through even with ear plugs in. I'll wait until they wind down a little and the sun comes out. So much anger. So much Fox News. I have anger, but it's not against everyone who doesn't agree with me. It's just about the disaster we have running our country. Well, I guess I am angry with anyone who votes him in again after seeing the corruption and the childishness and the bigotry. Who would want the distractions of that when there are people who have more serious problems to think about? Thank goodness this blog is quiet, and I don't have to disturb my neighbors! My favorite heard this morning is: Biden is a lying @###$. Such irony!!
I hear that we're supposed to get Santa Ana winds tonight, and that's something to look forward to. Only 25-35 mph, but I love a good howling wind to put me to sleep!
I checked my texts, emails, and FB briefly. Emily and I are going to make it happen about the 4 quits that I need decisions on. Maybe bribing with pie?
Pick out a backing, measure, order, and go from there.
This has been packed away for too many years. Emily spent a lot of time picking out this fabric and then the pattern. I made it, life went in different directions, I guess, and it got packed away for later. She still likes the fabric, so we're going to see if she wants a full size quilt or if we can cut it down for a throw. The fabric designer was
Anna Maria Horner, and Emily really liked all her fabrics then. The ones she has now seem a lot brighter than this line. They're long out of production, so I can't find the name of them.
Unless I go back and look in my own personal encyclopedia.
So Sierra line by Anna Maria Horner for Windham Fabrics.
Looking back for pictures of this quilt beginning, I got lost in memories. So many things that I want to go back and remember. I really miss the commenting on this blog, and I need to figure out if it can ever happen again. We all had such fun talking and acting silly. I'm too afraid to change and get a new blog program. I would have no idea how.
I told Emily yesterday that all I wanted for my birthday was a hunk of her time, and she was excited to start planning it. We're thinking about picking the girls up early from school on that Friday (who would notice?) and go for an early lunch in Downtown Snoqualmie where they'll rope off the streets on the weekend and put out tables. Lots of good restaurants there. Then we'll celebrate on Saturday by watching a football game. I don't even know who Auburn is playing, but there will be lots of excitement and War Eagles.
Texting with Noreen about cooking sunflowers. She mentioned that her daughter grew sunflowers this summer and is harvesting the seeds for toasting, and then I saw this.
Grilled sunflower! It's an interesting concept but way too fussy for me (and most people), too much oil, and just a little messy. I'll wait for someone to offer me some already-toasted ones.
Made that pie! Maybe 10 minutes, including getting everything out and thawing the lemonade a few minutes.
A recipe that needs no words. I'll add it to my new blog, Cooking in Pajamas.
After it was mixed, it looked like pale pink ice cream, and I was worried that the lemonade can wasn't big enough, but after I tasted it, I feel like I could probably have left out a little of the lemonade!
When I picked up the mail today - from Friday and Saturday - I loved seeing how the slant of the light just makes it seem like fall is here.
My balcony from another angle.
My clematis seems to be dying, but the new blooms are still out every day. I hope there's some life in it, but I'm not sure it will make it through the winter in a pot.
I'm not sure about what kind of pepper this is. I thought it was a banana pepper, and I've eaten a few in salads, but I might let this one go and see what happens.
All this stuff I've talked about needs to start happening now.
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