Friday, September 25, 2020


 RIP RBG.      

Thank you Martha Plimpton for saying this so  well.  Taken from the FB post of a friend.

Because of her, when I turned 18 I could apply for and receive a credit card without a male signatory. Because of her, when I bought my house, I could apply for a mortgage without being married and without having a male co-sign.

 Because of her, I could be called to do my civic duty and serve on a jury without being exempted on a count of being a woman. Because of her I grew up believing I had a claim to my personhood as an equally vested citizen of my country. 

These changes happened in my own lifetime. And yet, my whole growing up, so deeply effected by her efforts, I never knew it was because of her and the countless clerks and lawyers she worked with arguing six of the most critical cases affecting women and families the Supreme Court had yet heard. 

She changed this country for women. For EVERYONE. Because women's rights are HUMAN RIGHTS. Because of her, I realized my own potential as a professional, a homeowner, a person with credit, with assets, with independence. My thanks to this woman are inexpressible. No matter where you begin, where you land is still, potentially, unknown. 

This devotion of hers to equality, not just to "being equal" but to the concept of equality as a dynamic and not a fixed standard, made her one of the most consequential legal and cultural minds of the 20th and 21st centuries. She's my hero. Thank you, Justice Ginsburg, for everything. #RBG #BECAUSEOFHER #womensrightsarehumanrights #justiceginsburg #thankyou #thankabravewomantoday and then #VOTE #fight #doitforruth

It makes me happy that because of this lady, our girls will have so many more opportunities than women did in the past.  

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