Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Excited About September

 This is my favorite month - still.  I used to like it because it was my birthday month, but that doesn't seem so special any more.  We said good-bye to Mike in September, so the whole autumn has this cloud over it.  But  I guess it's still a time of new beginnings even though school doesn't have much to do with me this year.  Last year, I was busily filling up my planner with school holidays and early release days and fall trips to Michaels with Emily.  Now I'm writing down things after I do them just to prove I did something.  

I went out early this morning to feed Luna and water some plants for the Win-Bins.  They'll be back later today.  For once, I didn't need a sweatshirt at 8:30 and just went out in shirtsleeves.  This is the way weather should be, not this crazy mixed-up summer we've had.

I got a message asking if I would play Mah-Jong at 10:00, and I don't see any reason not to, so I'm getting my second cup of coffee and looking forward to interacting with my MJ friends.  I'll come back at 12:00 with any results.  When I play with the computer bots, I usually win at least once a day, sometimes more.  When I'm playing with friends, I can never find a joker, and it seems like I have no idea what I'm doing.  

I didn't win, but I was always just within one play of it - just needing a joker or just needing a certain tile.  At least I had a plan.  I may have once showed a set of 4 eights just to prove I wasn't sleeping, and it almost worked out for me.  I've been asked to play next Tuesday too, and since school and the children don't seem to need me, I agreed.  I might have backed myself into being a regular.

I took these pictures yesterday of the fence and Ryan and Allen built while the parents were visiting.  

No more doggie coming through the missing panel for a hamburger, but it doesn't keep the cats next door out.  

I just got this picture of a "new friend."  Rainier is looking good and sparkly.  What a beautiful day.  I know they hate to leave.

I thought I would take a break from scrolling through the new atrocities that have happened in politics, but it's like a train wreck.  I have to glance at my phone every morning and see what's up.  I love Daniel Dale.  I don't even have to do my own fact-checking any more.  "It's Almost Too Stupid to Fact Check."  I could never imagine a world in which the leader of the United States would manipulate facts and just plain lie every single time he opens his mouth as well as promote ridiculous and dangerous conspiracy theories which, by all account, his followers believe.  How did we sink to the level of Russia or any of the countries where propaganda rules. And where he has his own news station to foster the propaganda.

I need a trip to see some blue water or some place where I don't have to hear this mess and add to my stress.  I've told Noreen I'm in need of some uplifting conversation whenever she's free, and I know she'll provide it.

I'm about to take a new book, a paper book, and go sit on the balcony and read as long as I want to.  Book report later.  It's short stories, so maybe it will hold my attention.  Exhalation by Ted Chiang.  I have only 9 more days and 104 people are waiting for it.  Wait!  I've already tried to listen to that and returned it.  I'm not much for sci-fi or fantasy, so I couldn't hang onto the story, but it was very well received by almost everyone else!  I do have another Edith Wharton audio downloaded that will be good listening while I embroider.  I have one book ready for pickup and another in transit that I ordered a long time ago.  A Very Stable Genius.  Haha.  I'll either devour it or send it back in disgust!  

Family is headed home and will be here in a few hours.  Maybe I'll get a chance to see them tonight.  

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