Saturday, September 26, 2020

Best Birthday Ever!

 According to my girls!  They were hungry for a celebration after months and months of isolation.  And they did it up right.  I'm too tired to do much more than post pictures right now.  I'm not used to this much celebrating either.

It was a beautiful day after all the rain, and I walked over to Steller.  I did have to have a ride home though because of the rain.

That white pumpkin is mine, picked out by the girls last night at the grocery store.

So excited!  They had been planning just how everything would look and happen and were falling all over themselves to make sure I saw everything.

There were biscuits from scratch, eggs, and bacon for a delicious tailgating brunch.

We got a little football in when we could pay attention.  War Eagle!

Such a sweet gift from Noreen.  

Much art work and cards from the family.

I always feel like I don't need a thing as far as gifts but only want good thoughts and good times, but some of the little things I got this year were just so unusual and thoughtful that I wanted to get pictures of them.

Emily always apologizes for picking me "strange" gifts.  I guess we're both strange then, because I love everything she picks out.  A puzzle without straight edges or corners.  It kind of messes up my mind thinking about it.

If this is the way it looks finished, I may be wanting to frame it.  Both of them.

This is an unusual one too - a picture of someone putting together a puzzle.

Another card with a picture to be framed.  It's from Kathy and reminds me of our mother-in-law Eleanor who loved hummingbirds.

These are big notebooks and just beautiful.  I'm picking one just for keeping my books and audio books straight.  I'll write down suggestions to request from the library in one place and then can't find it, and then I put books read or listened to in my planner.  I need to write a little review after I read them so I won't wonder if it's a duplicate or not.

The prettiest to-do list!  It's almost a shame to write the things I have to do on it.  I need to get a more interesting life.

Everyone seemed to know exactly what would make be smile.  Thanks to Debby and Barbara who know what I like.

Boxes of cookies from Fresh Market that I kind of hinted for since we don't have Fresh Markets here.

And the most unusual gift was a 51 year-old-picture from my one and only golf tournament.  I think our team of 4 won, but it was in spite of me.  I never quite gravitated toward golf but played only because we got free lessons through work.  I still have the same hair style.

The very sweetest was piggy-bank money in the girls' cards.  I asked if I should spend or save it, and they both yelled, "SAVE IT!"

I'll save these memories, for sure.  This was the first time in more than 6 months that we've relaxed and visited without masks.  We're all fairly well isolated and pretty careful, and somehow today we felt like just not restricting ourselves.  I'll worry about it for a while, of course, but those snuggles and hugs were sooooo good, and I needed it a lot.

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