Monday, September 7, 2020

Cats and Orange-Faced Windbags

I thought I would come back and report how my big plans worked out today. First, cats are weird, in case no one knows that.  I pulled out a box of scraps to find something, and Layla all of a sudden found the perfect hiding spot.  She thinks.

And this just popped into my news feed. 

 Wow.  I had heard some of these things before but never in this concentrated form.  So Trump was this awful person before he became president, and he's become a blithering idiot since, still the same narcissist, racist, misogynist Russian apologist and supporter.  Yet these people now have sold their souls to support him and are taking their people along for the ride.  Says a lot for their character.

  Do Republicans not have anyone else?  Are their voters not concerned enough to demand someone else?  How does one person wield this power?  One way is through his own personal media outlet, Fox News, who excuses everything he says and glosses over his corruption and lies and instead stirs up anger and conspiracy theories against anyone who doesn't worship him.  It's hard to have any hope when this is happening under our eyes.  And no one cares.

The next video was eye-opening too.

Dinner with the Win-Bins later on, and hopefully we'll be light-hearted and put this stuff behind us.  I do so want the girls to live in a country where they have role models and leaders that care about our country and its people.  

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