I didn't have a plan, just keeping to the sidewalks that were sunny. I had texted Emily earlier to tell her I was going for a walk and if they were out riding bikes, maybe we could accidentally run into each other. I didn't hear anything so figured they weren't, but since I was already near their house I texted to ask if I could walk by and maybe get a wave. Still didn't hear, so I went anyway and called when I was nearly there. She was sitting on the porch with a cup of coffee and a glass of tea with some alone time. She was texting Aunt Kathy, so I felt like we were sort of, kind of getting together, the three of us. Wish we really could. :(

I didn't see anything wrong with standing on the sidewalk and chatting, and she even offered to bring me a chair and a cup of coffee, which I turned down. I realized I had not even seen her for more than a week, so it was a much-needed sighting for me. We talked about work mainly and how they're doing their best to see as many patients as they can before having to close the clinic. She's doing a lot of worrying and fretting over her employees, but it is what it is, and worrying is not going to help anything.
Graysen discovered us and came out to sit in the swing and then Katherine did the same, so my little outing tuned out to be so sweet.
Graysen seems to be taking their isolation in stride, but Katherine is just a cuddle machine, so it was hard for her not to run to me for a hug. Hard for me too. I'm not sure how much longer I can stand this!
We talked about how warm it was and how Ryan had told me they saw some snakes sunning earlier this week on this rock wall on the next block.
I was under the impression for the first two years of living here that there were NO snakes in Western Washington, but it turns out there were no poisonous snakes. That was quite a disappointment for me since I had completely relaxed about ever seeing one. I told the girls that when I walked home, I would take a picture if I saw one sunning. I tiptoed past the wall but didn't see any. Emily then texted me and said, "We see you walking in the street, nowhere NEAR the snake wall." So I got caught, but I thought it was pretty brave of me to even go past there. This is right next to the big blackberry patch where we always get our blackberries - without fear - but this year I won't be as brave.
Emily also gave me a couple of the good masks that there is a shortage of - just in case - and Ryan had just gotten back from mailing a few to Kathy too. I hope we never feel like we need them, but they're good to have.
It was hard to leave them, but they promised to come by when they ride bicycles later on.
I saw so many people out walking but none on the same side as me.
Lots of robins out in the neighborhood in the cherry trees.
Steller Park was looking lonely, but just as I took this picture, I heard voices and noticed a group of teenagers sitting up in the climbing tower.
It's hard for them to stay home, but it's really getting to be a problem, the congregating and not following the social distancing rules. I think that's about to change with a few more stricter rules, but hopefully we won't be confined to our homes. I think walking will be okay still. People have to walk dogs and buy groceries.
I took a different route yesterday and went up to a high point above the school to see if Rainier was visible.
That was quite a climb from downtown up to the observation place, but the good news was that it was all downhill on the way home.
I got home and vacuumed and cleaned the balcony. I had neglected this pot of herbs in the fall, but a couple of them hung around through the winter, including two mystery bulbs. They look a little like hyacinths, but I'll have to just wait and see. I really don't remember them.
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