I'm so encouraged by the way people are coming together to help each other in the community - with ideas for keeping kids occupied, posting drives for hospital donations or food shelter donations, and even just funny things on Facebook to make you smile. There are helpful posts listing things Costco and Safeway are out of that might save someone an unnecessary trip and which restaurants have takeaway food. The painting studio I passed is closing but is offering kits with a pottery piece and the paints necessary for finishing it, and they'll bring it to your car. There were already quite a few people waiting there.
A lot of people are sewing masks for protection, but I haven't done that since so many others are, and I'm not entirely convinced they're needed. If they are, they look like fun to make, and I have plenty of fabric, so I'll chip in and do some. I can't help thinking the medical supplies will catch up soon. In the meantime, I'll donate some cloth to some of Elise's nurse friends who are making some.
I've had two texts, a phone call, and an email just checking in and asking how I'm doing.
I sent Emily a craft idea, and she sent me some sweetness back.
I think I see ABC Mouse!
Since the guys are pressure washing the garages and walls in preparation for painting, all our cars have been moved to the street, so it's a good place to ride bikes later on today.
Looks like somebody forgot to move their car!
I'm so glad they're washing those upstairs windows too. Anything will be an improvement.
I asked one of them if they were going to pressure wash the floor of the balconies, and he said they were, so fingers crossed about that. It will be so nice to have it all fresh and ready for the sunshine just in case I'm still imprisoned next month. We do enjoy our balcony! I brought in all the "stuff" except for the chairs and little table and rug, so I'm ready for them.
It was tempting not to get out and walk this morning, but I'm glad I did. It was in the high 30s but not raining and very pleasant when I left.
As I turned to walk up by the school, it started to rain.
Fortunately, it just persisted like that the rest of the way.
Too tiny to even notice.
Playground looks lonely with no kids allowed in.
It's always a surprise to go outside. And now I hear the bears are coming out - if they ever hibernated. I still hope to see one but from a distance.
They're just looking for birdseed (probably the peanut butter balls), fruit, and whatever they can find in unsecured garbage cans.

Seems funny to not be excited about the weekend. Every day is the weekend, and I love it. If someone will bring me some groceries, I might make the girls some muffins and the workers some banana bread tomorrow.
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