Saturday, September 22, 2018

It's the weekend

This is the only day I have since we go to the fair tomorrow.  I'm so looking forward to it, but I know I will be wiped out at the end of the day.  I've never been to a state fair, though, so I can't wait.

I'm up early, and it looks like a cloudy but pleasant day.  I plan to accomplish many things today.

I have things to take to the garage:  Donations, summer clothes, boxes Elise and I have looked through.  I'll probably need help with that. ---------- I did take down the fan and exchanged some summer clothes for winter.  Emily teases me about packing them away for 2 months.  I'm making progress on space and think I could possibly squeeze the car inside.

I plan to vacuum the whole apartment, including the balcony with all it's birdseed. ------------- I vacuumed birdseed first and clogged the cleaner.  It's sensitive that way.  So by the time I unplugged that, I only got to the living room, dining room and kitchen.  And the hall.

I want to walk to the library just because it's a nice walk and I have a few books due.  I reluctantly requested the new Stephen King book last week, The Outsider, but wasn't sure I would read it.  It turned out to be so good that I read all 600 pages in 3 days.  I don't care for his gruesome stuff, but he is an excellent writer, and I enjoy the way you get to know his characters and get totally involved in the mystery at hand.  This book ties in with another one he wrote.  I can't remember the name of it, but some of the same characters appear. ------------ Rainy and windy so I didn't want to do that.
I might return Graysen's backpack and lunchbox she left here yesterday. ------------ And I turned down chili and corn dip at the Win-Bins.

If there is any time, I will venture into that sewing room and do some clothes sorting for selling or donating and iron some clothes.  -----------  No chance.

Lofty aspirations.  I'll come back tonight and see if I did any of those things. -------- I did work pretty hard - for me and feel good about getting some things done.

I spent a couple of hours last night going back and reading some posts I made when I first started this blog and reading all the comments.  Mike would often post anonymous usually insulting comments, and it brought back so many memories of Dina and Gaby sharing recipes and traditions.  Life is so different now.  It's still good but just different.

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