Sunday, January 12, 2020

Waiting for Snow

This is how they passed the time this afternoon.  The little pinkie is held perfectly in place.

Yesterday I did nothing to write about.  Not that I ever do much, but I did only what I wanted to the whole day.

I finished the book I had checked out by Maria Semple because I enjoyed Where'd You Go, Bernadette? and I didn't have enough to read in case we get trapped inside.  This was is Today Will Be Different.  She's funny, but I can't keep up with her.  She writes like my brain works in the middle of the night when I can't sleep.  Too much, too crazy.  Some of her descriptions of people are wonderful, but the pace of the story is hard to keep up with - all happening in one day with flashbacks.  Anyway, I'd still like to see the Bernadette movie.  It just came out, so maybe one day.  I never heard anything about it, so maybe it wasn't any good.  I'm not really in the know when it comes to movies.  Reading this, it seems like her books have been quite popular.

I've started on another one now, Mine by Courtney Cole, just because it was on some recommended list, and I had about 200 people waiting in line before me.  It came at just the right time for me have time to enjoy it.  I can't think of the name of the other one I checked out, but it's a nice big one, so maybe I'm all set.  I still have the NYT Crossword to finish (or play around with) and many housekeeping tasks to keep me busy.

I started cleaning the sewing room yesterday by picking up one thing and holding it and finding a good place for it.  Most of the stuff in there doesn't even go there.  It's just a convenient place to put overflow.

I found a cross-stitch pattern with all the threads in a little baggie that I meant to do, and I'm so glad I did this because I found the little scissors that Barbara sent me 3 years ago.  What a treasure!  I went back to find our email conversation so I could make sure she's the one who gave them to me, and it brought back so many memories.

It was the day we took Mike to Issaquah to the hospital before he was sent to Seattle, and I didn't know things were as serious as they were.  I had come home to pack up some things and found the sweetest package waiting for me.  Barbara knows exactly the kinds of things I love, and that meant so much to me.  I'm sure I took pictures, but in all the confusion later on, I never posted them.  I'll look.  And this clears up a little confusion about the princess coloring panel that I credited Sherry with.  I'm sure neither one of them remember, but they always things about me when they see something cute.

These are the scissors I misplaced before I even used them, so now they're new to me again.

I worked about 30 minutes, and that's all my mind could take.  I just don't know what to do with all my stuff, what to leave out, what I'm maybe going to be doing as far as sewing.  I feel like I can't work on the quilt until I restore a little order here, so here is the section I'm working on, just so I can be held accountable.

The girls like to go in and pick pieces of cloth and ribbons to play with, and I don't mind that.  I just need to neaten it up later.

I don't know if I'll ever do much cross stitch again, and I don't know if I will continue with machine embroidery.  I like it, but I don't really have much reason for it right now - or time.  I'll probably hang onto the machine just in case.  It's not really in the way, and I know I would never buy another one.

I worked on this shoe bag on the back of the door and threw a few things away.  It's all my stabilizers and spray glue and regular glue and ironing things and other things that have awkward shapes.  I just need to not forget what's back there.

It's a start anyway.

Elise is going to the grocery store for us now that the Seahawks tailgating crowd has cleared out and hopefully the last-minute snow frenzied shoppers.  We have maybe 10 things we need, and we could probably do without them, but it will be good to have enough.

Guess I'll go see how the Seahawks are doing and drink a cup of coffee.  Not too well, it seems, but I can't drum up that much interest.  I'll need a few more years, I guess.  I like their colors though.

And wait for the snow.  I think there won't be much until the weekend, but we'll see.

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