Monday, January 20, 2020

Back to Normal

It was the best feeling this morning to head down the stairs without worrying about ice and only wearing a light jacket.  The walk was so pleasant. 

January isn't over yet, but it would be so nice if this were the only snow storm this year.  The girls are already talking about spring, but I won't go that far!

With Ryan and Emily at work, the girls and I first emptied a basket of clean clothes in their room.  They think it's so funny that I have to ask them whose clothes they are, so they're willing to help me muddle through.  Pretty much every article needs to be discussed, so it's a slow job.

Then they were in a doctoring mood, so first I was the mother, Katherine was the child, and Graysen was the doctor, but I ended up needing glasses and splinters removed, so I just went into the hospital (bottom bunk bed) and had heart problems and more splinters to remove and finally ended up having an 80-pound baby.

The small doctor looks worried about my prognosis.

 Pretty soon, all the doctoring centered around the baby, and I was allowed to rest in the hospital for quite a while and talk on the phone.  I was served a nice lunch also.

There was nothing to do as far as housework except some more laundry, so the girls went outside to play in the fairy garden while I made lunch.

The fairy kingdom needs a little work, it seems.

We killed the queen!

When Ryan got home, I left and walked home, adding four extra blocks to enjoy the warm day.  School will be back in session tomorrow, so I'll do my errands in the morning, and get that over with and maybe have some good books in at the library.  I've lost interest in my current one so am going to just abandon that one and see if the new ones are better. 

My life is so hard  perfect!

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