I worked a little bit on Graysen's mermaid project last night and almost finished it.
I'm so overwhelmed with "stuff" to plow through and figure out. That's strange because I have all the time I need for it but just spin my wheels. I can't make decisions or commitments!
I need to look at the new insurance plan for 2021 and see if I want to change anything. I don't think I do, but I figure I'd better call the local agent and make sure I'm adequately covered in case I get sick. It seems that $0 premium and only $36 four times a year for meds is too easy. Maybe I should just be thankful and stop stressing about everything.
I keep on receiving the Seattle Times after four times of letting them know I no longer want to subscribe to the Sunday newspaper. Every week I write, and every week they thank me and say they'll send me a bill for the few I received after my subscription ran out. I won't be paying for the ones that show up unasked-for every Sunday morning though.
Dentist appointment. Why is that so hard to make? I have to find a new dentist locally, and there are plenty of good recommendations.
Trump has now decided to leave the hospital after a very puzzling stay where no one really knows what's going on. Seems like the hospital would be a good place to be if you're going to be isolated and not go to the White House and expose a whole bunch of other people. But that's just me. Some of us are convinced it's a HOAX designed to gain sympathy votes and try to distract from the debate where he pretty much poked fun at people for being worried about wearing masks. It makes as much sense as Trump calling everything that doesn't suit him a hoax. With his history of lies and misinformation, it would not be surprising. I'm just not sure how he could get doctors to go along with him, but I'm never shocked at how people act around that man.
The great one speaks: "I will be leaving the great Walter Reed Medical Center today at 6:30 PM. Feeling really good!" Trump tweeted on Monday afternoon. "Don't be afraid of Covid. Don't let it dominate your life," he added. "We have developed, under the Trump Administration, some really great drugs & knowledge. I feel better than I did 20 years ago!"
Disgusting and shameless. Tell that to the over 210,000 people who have suffered and died because he glossed over the dangers of Covid along with their families and friends and the ones still suffering devastating after-effects of this virus. Tell them how good you feel. Does "not being afraid" mean he still won't wear a mask?
Back to happy and comforting things. I shared this post with Emily last night. Between Naps on the Porch is one of my all-time favorite blogs. That's strange because she does a lot of tablescapes and decorating and beautiful centerpieces, all the things that I'm not at all into at this time of my life (if I ever was!) We do seem to have the same taste in most things, and she's caused me to spend some money, wisely, though, because her recommendations are spot on.
I ordered some things that she recommended back when I was flying back and forth across the country more than I am now. She travels a lot and has tested a good many things, so I feel like if something gets her stamp of approval, I'm okay trying it.
The post above on puzzles. Oh, my! Even though Emily and I love puzzles and like to get them and think about doing them, we just don't have that kind of time - yet - but as Christmastime approaches, that old familiar puzzle yearning comes out. With the way things are going right now, I wanted to start at the top of her recommendations and order the puzzle board, the clip-on light, ALL the puzzles, the puzzle saver and even the sorting boxes. Like that would make everything in my world okay, just to own those things. I do have a little common sense remaining and didn't actually order any of the things, but I did pick out a puzzle or two that I will get, one for Christmas and maybe that flower one at the beginning.
And that cabin one. Not only do I want that puzzle, I want to live in that cabin.
I know when I see a new post on BNOTP that I'll see some pretty pictures and see well-thought-out recommendations along with some snippets of her personal life.
I can't get enough energy or caring to do fall in the house. I have my white pumpkin and a fake orange one on the landing and will look for a little pot of chrysanthemums to put with them. Katherine is a little concerned that I'm trying to "trick" people with that fake pumpkin. My only concession to fall so far is drinking my Cinnamon Roll coffee, and I'm almost tired of that.
I did see two patterns I like for table runners, which is about as large a project as I'll tackle any time soon. I don't even have a rectangular table!
I like this fall one. It's good for Halloween and the rest of the fall season. I like the muted oranges and especially the "easy" designation.
Also saw this Christmas one. Simple but so pretty.

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