Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Just Trimming

Day 2 sewing challenge.  Same as day 1.  But with a little more confidence and hope.

So many dog ears.  So much trimming.  Some of the triangles don't reach the edge, so I'm having to replace them. 

It's worth it though.  Just dedicating 30 minutes a day to it is moving me right along.  Since it's already out,, I find myself going by and working in little spurts.

Once I get all these triangles trimmed and even, then I'll measure and start on the narrow border of the darker pink.  I need this to be fun again!

This has been a day of a little anxiety and sadness and worry, so I need to get my mind shifted to triangles and trimmings.

This is a get-well card to Aunt Kathy from Katherine.  She was really excited about finding a blue heart at the bottom of a tree last week.  All our prayers are going to Aunt Kathy for a quick recovery and return to home. 

My taxes are in good hands, so that's a burden lifted.  I wish I didn't let little things bother me so much, but it seems there's always some little something to take over those corners of my mind.  I probably don't have enough to do!  I need to go cook a little bit today.  Elise wants to learn to make the chicken-wild-rice dish, so we're doing that today plus a baked spaghetti  dish and a Mexican casserole for the family.  Now that I have flour, the girls will get monster cookies at the end of the week.

I've been so impressed by the job Ryan did on their back yard and was looking for a before picture. 

He took up all these stones and put down sod to make a pretty place for the hammock and for the girls to play.

It wasn't too bad before.  I liked the moss between the stones, but unfortunately weeds and grass came along with it.

He had already taken up a few bushes and trees but saved my favorite Japanese maple.

Now it's a beautiful place.  He reduced that corner bed by maybe half and put up a new retaining wall.  Before, it stretched all the way to the patio - just wasted space.

Now with a covered patio and a hot tub plus plenty of areas for planting, it's a completely livable space no matter what season. 

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