Sunday, July 14, 2019

Sunday Thoughts

It was a beautiful day today, and it makes me mad that I didn't get out and enjoy it.  I can't seem to get rested from the night I stayed up all night.  I think with a nap today, I'll be ready for the week tomorrow.

My sleepless night was Thursday night/Friday morning.  I happened to be reading a good book that I didn't want to put down and found myself at 1:00 a.m. still up.  I can't even remember the book now without getting up and going to find it, but it probably wasn't good enough to miss sleep for.  I fell asleep quickly when I finally went to bed, as I usually do, and was sleeping pretty hard when I heard a disturbance.  I can't say I heard any noise, but I think what I heard/felt was the cat running across me or under my bed or something, and as soon as I woke up, I felt my bed shaking.  Before I could even register what was happening, I heard Elise call, "It's okay, Mom."  That got my attention, and I realized it was an earthquake.  It was short and very minor, but just the sudden awakening and realization was really scary.  And, of course, there's the adrenaline of having survived something potentially dangerous and scary.  That was just before 3:00 a.m.

I went to the Facebook Community page about 10 minutes later, after I texted Emily (who was the only one in her family awake) and after Elise and I talked a little while.  There were already over 100 comments, so I followed some links and found out that the center of the earthquake was about 15 miles northeast of us and a 4.7 - downgraded to a 4.4 later.  If there was an aftershock, I didn't feel that.  One thing I did notice was my left eye burning, like I had something in it.  Or maybe I scratched it.  I was searching in my nightstand for my eye drops and couldn't find them.  So much for being prepared.  I later found the little bottle on my floor, so maybe they fell out with my scrambling around.  Anyway, because of that I couldn't go to sleep.  I did all I could to relieve the discomfort, but it lingered and I stayed awake.  I may have slept some around 7:00, but it was a rough Friday because of it. 

I don't even remember what we did Friday, but it wasn't much.  I brought the girls here, and Elise did some playing with them, read them some stories, and made their lunch.

I took these pictures on Steller before we left.

Outside the kitchen window.  They don't seem to notice us.

Pretty hydrangeas out front.

Katherine telling me that she has a red eye too that hurts.

She forgot about it when we took a little walk and ended up at the water park. 

The girls immediately got involved in playing house in the various rooms they've picked out in the bushes while I opened and read the mail I had picked up. 

I love the age they are now and the way they can create playtime from their imaginations, but I'm too anxious to relax when they get out of my sight.  I wish I could hover less, but I can't seem to.

We came back and worked on sight words and words first graders should know.  I asked for a "serious" face.

Yesterday Emily had a work event somewhere, and Ryan had a friend visiting for the weekend, so I took the girls to their Saturday morning swimming lessons.   Graysen's friend Everly is in her class, and they loved seeing each other, and it was nice to talk to her dad Jacob.  He wanted her to have a coverup like theirs but didn't know what to call them, so I was able to help get Everly one coming!  I like to be useful!  But not so useful I didn't forget their towels!  They both did great in their classes, so relaxed and confident, swimming underwater and floating and jumping off the side without fear.  They have a really good teacher who has made it fun.

I had packed a nice picnic for them to eat afterwards, but they were still chilly, and the tables at Mt. Si Park were pretty crowded.  They were more than happy to tailgate in the parking lot. We stopped by the library on the way home where I had about five books waiting that I had requested.  I hate they all come at once.  I had told the girls we weren't checking out any for them since we had 20 or so at each house, but before I finished, here they came sheepishly holding 4 more apiece.  I can't NOT let them bring home books, especially since these went to their house. 

I took them home, and Emily called about 6 and asked if I would keep them while they went out to eat.  It was so nice, we went and sat on the bench near the apartment office, and they played a complicated game of fairy godmother/evil stepmother (me) and two sisters who ordered unicorns (or Pegasuses) from Amazon.  They picked out exactly what they wanted and were so excited when they arrived and galloped and pranced around the grassy area.  They wanted me to be mean on the way back, so I hope no one noticed me hauling them down the sidewalk by their shirt collars.  They loved it! 

Today has been perfect.  Except for my missing Seattle Times AGAIN.  I confidently opened the door  first thing and no newspaper.  I walked down the steps to the sidewalk and no newspaper.  I stood on the balcony and looked up and down the alley and sidewalks and no newspaper.  I wrote the subscription manager again, but before I sent it, I went down to walk all the way around Building K.  And found it UNDER my balcony.  I sent the email anyway and pulled the age card and said I didn't really want to go on a treasure hunt for my paper, especially when the weather is cold and rainy.  I got a nice reply, and they said they had talked to the carrier.  I bet they hate me!

I was able to drink coffee and make lists and read the newspaper and read my book and do just about anything I wanted to do today and loved it.  I even made an itemized list for started that second quilt for the girls.

The only surprise was a cute little bird who hopped into the living room and looked at me.  He then flew up to the hutch and attracted the notice of Layla who ran in and stalked him.  I grabbed her and put her in Elise's room and proceeded to just watch and figure out what the bird was going to do.  I figured he was smart enough to find an escape.  He first flew to Layla's cat tree and then hopped down into a plant and started pecking around. 

He's on the left looking down at the door opening which he decided was his way out and took it. 

That's about all the excitement around here this week.  We have a whole week coming up with no plans.  Maybe I'll be up to the task of entertaining some kiddos. 

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