Sunday, July 7, 2019

Nice Day for a Walk

I had the privilege of walking with this little girl again today.

She is on a mission to find bunnies and knows just where to look.

She missed this kitty though, until we pointed it out to her.

I took my phone today and managed to take some pretty flower pictures.  I'm sometimes unsure if I should be taking them, but so far no one's come out and fussed at me.  We didn't take the same route as yesterday, so I missed some beautiful clematis.

I finally got to take a picture of one of these baskets that I've admired from the car.

I'm usually busy with the girls when BJ and Buffy go out for their afternoon walk, but we'll do this some more on the weekends.  Since BJ and I don't know much about each other, we never lack for conversation!  

My newspaper that I had confidently awaited this morning did not show up on my landing.  I checked at least three times before lunch and was prepared to be huffy about it.  Then Elise went out and found it on the sidewalk between the two apartment buildings.  I guess the deliverer didn't know which stairs to take so just put it in the general vicinity of K building.  I'll see how it goes the rest of the month before I complain.  It won't kill me to go downstairs and get it, but someone might take it before I see it.  I can now read it while I finally drink my second cup of coffee.  I've carried it around with me all day and never got it drunk.

I did a little embroidering.

Graysen loves this pattern so much.  It seems a little young for her, but if she likes it, she'll be more likely to wear it.  Children's Place at the North Bend Outlet had their T-shirts on sale, but I had to practically get on the floor and pull out drawers to find solid color ones.  There were hundreds of graphic ones, but once I found them - short and long sleeved ones - I got some white, pink, and black ones and now know where to go find some more if they keep on wanting them.

I'm finally doing Kate's curled-up kitty one, since I accidentally did a bunny for her last week, which was Graysen's choice.  I might finish it tonight.  I looked through their drawers and pulled out old shirts with no designs and figured I could practice on those.  I just got the flowers done and haven't started on the kitty yet.  I have to make sure everything is equal, you know?


I found these picture from when we walked to the library last week.  We had been the day before, but they didn't have their reading list, so we needed to take it back so they could get their prize from the treasure box.

Kate looks like she's walking on the back of the bench - very agile - but it turns out they're on a stone wall behind the bench.

We stopped here for a long time to examine this slug in the day lily.

Kate is sad that she didn't get to open the door, but she got to push the OPEN button on the way out.

The "treasures" were not all that exciting to them, so it took forever to pick.  They finally decided on a little container of slime or clay or something.  It dosn't make them any less eager to finish up their chart.

We had a good many books on the hold shelf, and they wanted to pick out many more.  I had to have help carrying them home.

My favorite Japanese maple in front of the office and a pretty arrangement on the bottom floor neighbor's porch.

I just checked the weather to see what it looks like as far as activities next week and wish I hadn't.  Rain the next five days and highs only in the mid-70s.  No park picnics for us!  

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