My first change of plans was clothes related. I put on my red T-shirt and jeans and immediately turned around and came back in and put on a sweatshirt. Chilly!
I met my neighbor BJ (instead of PJ, which I had thought all along) walking Buffy, and she did not know about the parade, so we ended up watching it together. It consisted of the old firetruck and then a Cub Scout troop, then many, many children, dogs, and families on decorated bikes and scooters and wagons and just walking. The big modern fire truck and rescue squad and then hundreds more children, dogs, and families, and so on. I actually saw people I knew this year and was having fun waving and taking videos and keeping an eye out for our folks.
I first saw Erin and Shawn with Camden and Bransen in the wagon, then Emily and Ryan walking with the girls riding bikes. Kate and Graysen seemed a little stressed at all the noise and crowds but manged a quick wave and smile. They were followed by Paige and James and Jessica and another little boy who seemed very friendly but I did't recognize him.
It was cute, and they were all having a ball, and I grabbed my coffee and headed back with BJ and Buffy. We walked around the complex a little, and when she went in, I decided to just walk awhile - away from the festivities. I ended up going past the school and was kind of drawn to the music and noise and people.
I texted Emily and asked where they were and didn't get a quick answer, so I walked a couple of blocks past and turned to circle back and go through town and back home. Then she texted back and said they were eating and to join them, so I did go look for them. Soooo many people. I finally found them in line eating hot dogs and standing in line for a glitter tattoo.
Sweet girls. Katherine has one smile only, and she flashes it any time she sees the camera.
Graysen was showing me she had on the shirt I made her, and I promise she was happy about it in spite of the face. Erin had brought them necklaces, and she had Hop Hop snuggled tightly under her arm. I offered to take him home to keep so she wouldn't drop him, but she needed to have him close by!
I love this little dirty face. Graysen said her necklace was out of power, but Katherine said hers didn't light up when the sun was shining. I really like Paige's shoes!
The glitter tattoos were a big attraction and had a long line, but we didn't have long to wait. They were just what the girls wanted - dolphins and a unicorn.

Graysen may be worrying about making the wrong decision on her pattern or her color.
Katherine couldn't pick a color, so she went with rainbow - a very good decision.
And the boys arrive, not having wanted a glitter tattoo.
But Camden was properly awed by Gray's dolphins and gave them a smile.
It was a long morning, and I'm not sure how much longer they were planning to stay.
I just got these pictures from Emily and see that cotton candy perked everyone up!
Making my way home.
Watermelon at home, too, it looks like. The full experience. Maybe I'll get some later pictures before the fireworks.
So, that was my exciting day. It really was nice to get out and see a few people I knew and see everyone having fun. The Win-Bins and the Kilbourns will enjoy the fireworks from the K's house which overlooks the park, and I'll watch what I want to from the balcony.
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