I can't remember what happened this morning, so I have to depend on the pictures in my phone to remind me.
All the way back to Thursday. I went over and got the girls dressed and hair done and straightened up a little in the house before we came back to the apartment.
Graysen was a pediatrician for the morning and loved having sick babies.
This is an American Girl Bitty Baby that I found on E-bay for Graysen's first Christmas. She was naked and a little roughed up, but I cleaned her and made her some diapers and a nightgown, but Graysen has never liked her that much. She says she looks "creepy." I convinced her to give BB another chance, and I think her being a good patient has endeared her to the doctor.
Katherine had rather play in her box of stickers.
I've gotten a new planner and gone a little crazy with it, trying to strike a balance between cute stickers and functional planning and am having the best time. I've learned to print some of my own stickers and found the girls some unicorn and kitty ones of their own.
Anyway, I'm not sure what we did, but that afternoon I walked them back home and enjoyed the afternoon. I'm not sure if these are lilacs. I've never lived in a place where they grew, but maybe they are. The girls think they look like elephant trunks.
And this is another similar bloom we saw.
Running up Queen Kitty Hill, named because of the complicated games Aunt CeCe plays with them there.
Passing by the community gardens, we saw this beautiful single calla lily.
Everyone's gardens seem to be flourishing with all the rain but in spite of little sunshine. Lots of raspberries.
But no blackberries yet. Just bunches of green ones.
Friday was another "best day ever" day for the girls. It usually involves going out to eat, and we did just that. They chose the corn dog place - Scott's Dairy Freeze - and we were to meet Emily at her work after that.
They got their corn dogs and fries and lemonade and immediately got too cold, so we went outside to sit in the sunshine.
At first, Graysen was not eating because just that morning she had found her first loose tooth and was afraid of losing it in her food. I finally talked her into not fasting until the tooth came out, and she soon forgot her plan.
Going to Mommy's work. They wanted to take the stairs instead of the elevator this time, and I agreed, not remembering the clinic was on the third floor. By the time we got there, they were not convinced we were on the right floor. I love how they trust me!
We enjoyed walking through the clinic and waving at everyone and having everyone remark on how much the girls had grown. Mom loved showing them off a little bit, I think
She had a surprise for them when we got to her office - and it surprised me too. She had bought them BIG bow hairbands. I was surprised that she liked them, and we were both surprised that the girls wore them.
We walked across the street to Swedish Hospital to go to this gift shop Emily and I are obsessed with.
We like to look, but that's about all. Emily did buy some things, and I got a couple of little gifts, but then the girls realized there was a children's area. With charms and bracelets and Jellybean purses. Such passion and excitement. Emily got them a charm bracelet and charm, and they left the purses because they were convinced I was going to get them one later. Guess I know where I'll be going next week the Lily and Pearl!
This changing mural was just fascinating with its movement and sound, and the girls spent a lot of time looking at it. Emily and I just had a hard time with it because we had sat there with Mike numerous times drinking coffee and waiting for his appointments. Lots of sad memories here.
It's hard to not be happy around these girls though. Graysen found a perfect stage for her dancing.
Those stairs behind her were the ones Mike and I took on Valentine's Day of 2013 to excitedly greet this little girl.
Saturday I got to enjoy all by myself, updating my planner -
until the afternoon when the whole family came over swimming along with the Andersons - Lisa, Jacob, and Everly.
The water was pretty chilly still, but they did have a lot of fun. I stayed awhile but left them to enjoy it after a bit.
Everly is one of Graysen's first friends from Rooster Valley, and they were across the hall from each other in kindergarten. She's taking swimming lessons on Saturday morning with both the girls, so they're getting in a little extra practice.
After Elise and I went in, she was going to take a walk at Tollhouse Farms where she goes a lot and asked if I wanted to go along. Surprisingly, I said yes and am glad I did. It's such a beautiful place for walking. And thinking. And getting some exercise and fresh air.
Elise and I took different paths but ended up at the same place. I think my route was about a mile of effortless walking with a nice breeze. I didn't even get hot on a July afternoon.
It's been a busy 3 days. I'll do Sunday later. Next week is dance camp, so I'll drop the girls off in North Bend at 9:30 and be free until 12:30. Since this walking path is right there, I'll probably walk every morning and then have a couple of hours free.