Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Oh, Michelle!

 How lovely to hear a calm voice of reason from a person of warmth and integrity, something that has been so lacking for the last four years.  I was mesmerized, and even those from the other party have praise for her speech.  Even Fox allowed something positive.  Authenticity, focus, concern for democracy and our way of life.  So, so different from the messages of hate and discord we are used to.


I'm guilty of harboring my own kind of anger nowadays and hesitate to say anything, because this is a lighthearted journal of my last 15 years or so, but if this journal survives and our girls grow up to read it, I want my voice heard and not be cowed into not expressing the way I feel right now.  

I am not so much angry at the racist, self-centered, and inept person who is in charge of our country right now but at the millions of people who think it's okay.  Okay to be divisive.  Okay to have people fired because they don't think like him.  Okay to ruin people's long and unflawed careers because they refuse to do his dirty work. Okay to bribe foreign governments to go against the constitution.  Okay to childishly call people names and try to ruin their reputations.  Okay to just yesterday tweet Russian propaganda to hurt his political opponent.  Why is this okay?  

Why is it okay to try to muzzle freedom of speech and have only the media outlets that parrot what he says?   How can a person have thousands of instances of lying to his people, giving out all sorts of misinformation - and people don't care.  They just don't care if they're listening to lies, and that's a sad thing to me.  

I left Facebook, which I formerly enjoyed, because I was so offended by people posting blatant lies or saying that this man was chosen by God to lead our country.  It makes me shiver to hear that.  The people chose him - or at least some of the people, and this person has none of the attributes that the Bible teaches about Christianity.  None.  

I've never had a political party as such, was just never involved in politics at all.  I was of the passive mindset that no matter who won, even if my guy didn't win, one person would not destroy a country.  There would be checks and balances and clear-thinking individuals to keep it from happening.  But guess what?  There is not, in this case, anyone who has enough backbone and morals to stand up to a person who is overstepping his boundaries.

I just want my girls to know how their PopPop and I felt and agonized over what we saw coming 4 years ago, and it's much worse that anything we imagined.  I believe today is the day Mike went into the hospital, and he never knew anything else about what happened.  Mercifully.

When I heard that first child start singing the Star-Spangled Banner last night at the beginning of the coverage, I just got tears in my eyes.  That's the way we used to feel about the flag and our country, but that's sadly lacking nowadays when the parents and leaders are so filled with hate.


I doubt I'm going to rant and rave very much on here.  I have my family up here and a few prized friends, and we do plenty of it!  We get it out of our system without involving the children, but sadly they know they don't have a leader that has integrity or someone they can look up to.  They now have so much to go through with regard to their education and their family crises.  I wonder if it's too late to have a change for the better in our government.  

I'm glad that we have the privileges we do and don't have to suffer as much as some people do, but I can't just sit here in my comfort and not agonize over the parents and children who were separated in the migrant camps and for the families who have lost their jobs or their health, for those suffering right now with illness.  I don't think that's what our country has ever been all about - taking care of our comfort and not caring who else suffers. Just because it's not happening directly to us, it doesn't not happen, and people are in pain.

 But that's just me.  I may be the only one who imagines my family leaving me to find hope somewhere else and never seeing them again, or learning to survive in a country without the freedoms we're used to but it does keep me from sleeping many nights.  

Oh, well.

Happier times later.  Mah-Jong in just an hour and getting lovely and excited texts from the girls' school helper.  I'm not sure what to call Jadyn, but she will be with the girls all day, guiding them and providing excitement and order as they try this new way of learning.   She already has their prize buckets and what looks like welcome signs.  What a treasure!  I just wish I could do more and that all children had such a good situation. 

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