What's new? A weekend of muddling around and not getting much done, fighting a sore throat and headache along with some aches and pains - but no temp and getting better. I think I need more activity.
My family is on a short vacation before school starts, a beautiful place called Point White on Bainbridge Island. The girls enjoyed their ferry ride and then getting to enjoy the beach pretty much by themselves.
I think I see Ryan in the background paddleboarding. I'm also seeing that mountain in the background, I think it's Mount Rainier. And confirmed. It's always a beautiful sight, and I'm sure they were thrilled it was clear enough for it to be seen.
Out of all this beauty, the one thing that the girls were looking forward to most was bunk beds! Two sets of them. Hopefully, they didn't disappoint. I'm so grateful they get to have these little excursions and grow up surrounded by this beauty. I'm going to ask to go next time.
I was texting with Emily this morning and asked if the bunk beds worked, and she sent me these pictures. They were tired after their day on the water!

So bottom bunks are free!
I have duties today! I'm going to go over and sit with Luna the cat and make sure she's not lonely and clean her litter box. Then I'm going to pick up Graysen's school supplies and computer from the school. They'll be home to pick up Katherine's Wednesday.
While I'm over there, I'm going to lay out the quilts on their big dining table and measure and probably head straight to Issaquah and buy the batting with my Michael's and Hobby Lobby coupons. What are the chances that they won't both have the same kind of batting? No problem. I'll just wait until next week and go back to one of the stores and get the second one.
I think I'm going to add a new binding to Emily's old quilt if I can find just the right color. That will give it many more years and is easy enough to do.
Then I'll come back and water the garden unless it rains today. I feel like a real person again with all these activities. I might treat myself to a bought coffee at some point.
What else is new? I can't leave without another fact-checking mission for yet another tweeting of misinformation by the king of lies donaldtrump which led to much re-tweeting which got so. many. people all excited and throwing away their masks. This article explains it well, and it's too complicated to explain to those who just want to blindly follow what trump posts without asking any questions or doing any research.
Short version - and only my version: Someone named melQ read the article, took what he wanted to out of it and left out some important facts. Donald saw the tweet and retweeted it because it "proves" what he's been trying to say. Covid is not real. It's not killing people. The CDC is lying to us. Interestingly, the tweet was removed for violation of Twitter rules - such as misinformation. It didn't stop 60,000 people from retweeting and posting on social media and saying, "I told you so." How many people reading these posts believed it without asking any questions and immediately reposted? My favorite was the sports writer Clay Travis. I imagine most sports fans WANT to believe we'll get back to college football now and are happy, but how fair is it to mislead thousands of people who take him at his word. I'm sure he won't amend his column and say maybe the facts got skewered somewhere along the way.
Bottom Line: No one dies from JUST Covid-19. There is ALWAYS another condition, maybe more, the ones that you actually die from, so to say only 6% die from JUST Covid and 94% have pre-existing conditions is false and misleading. The majority of the other 94% have a condition brought on by Covid that caused their deaths.
Any data can be manipulated, and I just hope this one didn't bring on complacency that gets someone in serious trouble.
Off to my duties.
I did about half of what i was going to do.
Fed Luna the Cat.
And let her use me as a pillow.
I filled the car with gas and went to pick up the second grade supplies. That was nice. There was no waiting at all, and I got to meet Graysen's teacher who really won't even be teaching until November because she's having a baby. I met the cute substitute who seems bubbly and very sweet.
It was good to see some action around the school, even if it's for just a short time. It looks a little lonely most days.
Looks like Luna is not speaking with me in spite of my sitting with her and feeding her this morning.
She has her own little Chromebook - just like PopPop's. Katherine gets an iPad.
Emily said the kindergarten class had a Zoom introduction meeting this morning, and they did it from the vacation house. Emily's description: It was for just a few minutes of absolute insanity and kids staring into the screen like they were on drugs. It was so weird. Lori made it funny and then crashed zoom, then sent a funny email about how well it went." Sounds typical.
I got a video of Graysen meeting her class, and it was the cutest. Her eyes were glued to the screen, and she would hear a familiar name and just give this little wave and smile. I was glad to hear two more names of little girls she knows. She was grinning about that too.
Graysen is all about the friends and social life. Katherine wants to skip that part and get down to the business of learning as much as Graysen knows.
I just decided not to go anywhere else. I'm like that sometimes. I just go home. I'll go back and water the garden and take out their garbage cans - and mine - later on and then get a cup of coffee and sit on the balcony. Tomorrow is September, and that makes me really happy.
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