Such fun yesterday. My girls are lucky enough to have 3 grandparents to love on them. Their South Dakota ones have been away from them so long that they just decided they needed to come see them in person, so they arrived Thursday evening.
Emily is out of town, and I hadn't talked to anyone in their house until yesterday, but I know it's been a fun, crazy time. Millie (Grandma) said yesterday that she was really ready to sleep when the end of the day came, and Graysen said, "Katherine and I sneaked into your room this morning, and you were still asleep."
I got a text yesterday asking if I wanted to go for ice cream at the pharmacy across the parkway. After a few texts about whether there was a place to sit and how we would get there, etc., Millie mentioned that they had ice cream and root beer and that I could just come over for root beer floats. That turned out to be a wonderful idea.
When I got there, the girls were busy cleaning their room, so the grandmothers had a little time to sit out back and catch up. Sharing grandchildren is the best thing ever. No one else is going to listen to you brag nonstop about these children and agree with every word! It was such a nice time. I really wish they lived closer.
The root beer floats were a success, and there was much enjoyment and laughter and just a little silliness around the patio table.
On the way over, I had found another little resin heart, and I was so excited about it. Katherine had found one weeks ago near the park and picked it up, and ever since we've been looking hard for one for Graysen. I hope no one saw me pick it up, because I'm sure they are meant for kids, but it was worth it to feel a little guilty. When I took it out of my pocket, her eyes just sparkled and she put her hand over her heart and said, "Oh, Mimi. My own heart." It's amazing that such small things could cause so much pleasure, I wish she had found it herself, and I have no doubt that one day she will find one. They immediately wanted to set out looking for more.
There is a nice lady in town who makes them and hides them. I'm not sure if it's still going on or if the one I found was someone's dropped one. :( Millie and I decided to take a walk around the neighborhood and keep our eyes open for more hearts.
It probably took 15 minutes to go two blocks because the girls kept stopping to examine rocks and talk about every little thing they saw along the way.
So precious to us to hear them talking and finding pleasure in small things. They had made little pieces of paper with art on them that they had been putting in the grassy median in front of their house, and it gave them such a thrill when one was found to be missing. They are perfectly aware that maybe the wind blew it away, but it's more exciting to think that a person had picked it up and got a blessing from it.
Graysen confiscated my phone to do a video, so I don't have many pictures from the walk, but I did capture these from the (way too long) video.
We crossed the street and headed for Queen Kitty Hill and ran into the whole Jones family out for a walk. Such excitement. Their mom Tomoko and I talked about how starved the children were for socializing. Last year, the twins would only tease Graysen on the way home from school, and she would just grin at them, and Cadence was a little too old for the girls, but now they're all just soooo excited to see each other.
I know it's hard for their mom to keep these 3 kids in an apartment setting day after day. The area in front of the office seems to be a nice meeting place for people. Millie and I just sat on the shady bench and listened to them chatter.
It's funny that one of the twins gave this sparkly backpack to Graysen for her 6th birthday party, and they recognized it. Then Cadence ran inside to get a similar one, and they then were able to have a long discussion about Beany Boos and which ones they have and how they would meet the next day to share some.
Of course, the boys then had to go find their little animals and join in.
It's the little things.
I hope we can meet up again soon. On the way home, they passed by their other friend Anna and stopped to chat with her. I stayed home and let the others walk home. Millie was pretty sure she knew the way from prior walks, but I know Graysen and Katherine were glad to "help" her. I love how they call our side street - Baker Street - Bakery Street. I always think of cinnamon rolls when I see the street sign.
It's the end of August, and I woke up to a fire in the fireplace - a small one, but Elise was "freezing." I agreed with her. This is crazy weather.
I'm not sure what the plans are for today or if there are any or if they include me, but I'm open for just about anything or nothing. I know Noreen and I have vague plans to have our porch coffee today since we missed each other yesterday.
I plan to do no sewing or needlework but might start a new book. I finished my 28 Summers by Elin Hilderbrand. I liked it okay from the start, but it got so much better, and I cried at the end. That's always the mark of a good book! It's based loosely on and references the old movie, Same Time Next Year.

I think I remember seeing it a long time ago, but I'm going to check and see if I can find a way to watch it again.
I have a few real books checked out, so I think I need to see if I can read those now. I have 3 days to finish Small Fires Everywhere before it goes back. It's an e-book, so I can't do anything but read it - no sewing or mah-jong or puzzles while I'm listening, and I'm almost sure I've already read it, but I'll give it one more try.
I'm ready for one last week of warm weather before September gets here, so I'm going to check the balcony and see if it's comfortable.