Thursday, November 12, 2020


 Well, I guess it's not unbelievable that the demented former president would act in such a manner and still proclaim himself the winner of the election, but it is unbelievable that he has such power that the whole Republican party is scared to take a stand for decency because of retaliation.

I guess I'm not surprised but just disgusted.  

Every other president has written a concession letter.  I like what George H.W. Bush said:  You will be OUR president....Your success will be OUR success.  

Hilary Clinton lost the election by a much closer margin than Trump did, but she graciously accepted what was inevitable with grace and dignity.  

At the state level, governors and secretaries of state around the country are making it clear that the election was conducted fairly and without fraud, even Republican leaders.  At least some people are not scared of him.

The one thing that makes me the saddest is that this man has such power over people that even good people are throwing their lot in with hate groups and conspiracy groups.  He's not worth it.  If you're going to worship someone, why pick someone about as far from God's teachings as you can get?  What happened to healing the country, working together?  I guess it's more fun to hate and believe his lies and believe in how "they" (not entirely sure who the "they" is that people talk about) cheated and sabotaged an entire national election.  That must have been some wonderful coordination for that to happen in so many states - but only in the states that Biden won.

How many of these rabid supporters are contributing money for what they think is the recount fund when instead 60% of it is going for funding Trump's campaign debts, and 40% is going to the Republican National Committee, which is allowed to spend it on recounts - but doesn't have to.   

So while we face even more quarantining and even more sickness and death, the one person who could be starting to fight Covid-19, OUR president, has his hands tied - by an idiot having a tantrum and refusing to let him.  Naturally, Trump is not even acknowledging that there is a pandemic.  He never did, really.  It's never been about us.  It's always been about him.  

I know I'm just about tired of being shut away from my family because of this one man's failures, and now having to listen to his attack on our democracy is about more than I can take.

I would love to have fun things and beautiful things to write about and how perfect and wonderful my girls are.  The only problem is that I only see them through a screen.  They are devastated that we won't all be together for Thanksgiving.  I hope that's the worst thing we have to face in the coming months, but I'm sure it won't be.

I did get to see some excellent jumping rope skills from Graysen yesterday.  Katherine was too busy creating her latest art project to be much into the conversation.

She did come over for a little jumping before I left.

I miss them so much.

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