I guess Saturday morning started with a text and pictures from Emily about the biscuits. That was followed by a video call from Graysen, and I got to "be there" in the kitchen with them while they ate and bustled around the kitchen. I love to just sit there and watch.
I can't wait to see the inside of the house. Ryan says he and Emily have been working on some changes inside and in the back yard. I wonder if I could take a peek at the changes out back one day.
Then Sunday afternoon Emily called about a project she is planning. When Emily plans a project, it's serious, and I got tired just hearing her talk about it. It involves crocheting and a certain kind of yarn and a set of what seems to me to be complicated instructions.
At one point, I was sitting in front of the camera with a pile of yarn and my stash of crochet hooks and accessories. For some reason, I even had my knitting needles out.
The object is to make a kind of gag gift for a co-worker who was supposed to be getting married in Hawaii in May but had to call it off. She wanted something funny to cheer her up on that day so plans to crochet this "thing" that they understand from some TV show they watch. I don't understand, but I love the thought and will help if I can. So far, I haven't been asked to help other than the needle loans.
Right in the middle of that, I got a text from a number I didn't recognize asking if I might be a neighbor at Echo Ridge and would I like to come up for a socially distanced visit outside. When I saw the name Noreen, I was happy to grab my coffee and head up the alley. We first met when our grands were in kindergarten, and we would pick them up in the afternoons. I can see her apartment from mine. She has a ground-floor one that she always makes so pretty in the spring and summer, and we will often stop and chat as I pass by.
That was the best idea. We had our two chairs at either end of the porch and our coffee, and we just had such a good time. She has 3 little grandsons and a son and daughter in town, so we had plenty in common to talk about. We met a young couple next door who were just moving in and introduced ourselves. She had hip surgery not too long ago and can't take long walks, but I hope we will have many more meetings. Some people you just feel instantly comfortable with.
I also reconnected with a friend from Thomaston, and we've exchanged some nice messages. It's amazing how time just gets away from you and how people's lives just go on and change without your knowing. I'm enjoying chatting with her and her husband so much and will enjoy her Facebook posts and pictures too.
So no big events to make me happy, just nice little spots during the day. I finished my audio book and need to find another one. I really miss "real" books though that I can just pick up and take to the balcony when I get ready. It would probably be a good idea to ditch the jigsaw puzzles and start using up some of this yarn while I listen to the audio books.
Where did all this come from? I just hang onto it all, thinking one day I will get enthusiastic about something again. I don't know! I can't stick with one thing for very long. Is there a medication for that?
When Mike moved back to Montgomery from Texas, he had the audacity to ask for some dresser drawers for his clothes, but they were all filled with fabric. He said! And he may have been right. Clothes belong in the closet and crafts in the dressers.
I did work on getting my outdoor area fixed up, and just as I got it where I like it, I received a notice that the painters and pressure-washers would be able to start again in a couple of days, so I guess I'll have to move the furniture plus the plants inside once more. It will be worth it though to get the windows washed and the mildew off the porch. I'll get Ryan to take my chairs to the garage so I can paint them at the same time.
I keep the pots on a heating pad at night and put them on the window sill all day. At first, I just had the one big one, but now there are bunches of seedlings.
When the girls get to this point in Mimi's Memoirs, they are going to be so bored! I know I am. Life will be all about them again one day. Soon, I hope.
I just saw this picture that Alan posted on Facebook of Kathy and Graysen napping together at the beach the first time they ever met. It remains one of my favorites, just perfect contentment. Just praying for another meeting before

It was a little chilly for a walk yesterday, but I did it anyway. The rhododendrons alone are going to be worth getting out for. These are the first full blossoms I've seen, but the ones at the apartment complex are opening now.
There were so many people out walking when I was that I'm wondering if it will come down to having to walk in shifts. Last names beginning with A-E 9 a.m. to 10 a.m., etc. Sounds silly, but who knows. The skate park and basketball court were full and probably not all the same family, so again I'm not sure how this warmer weather is going to affect things.
I woke up at 3:42 and have been up drinking coffee and writing, and now the sun is coming up. I think it's Tuesday, and we'll see what unfolds today.
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