Now that schools are closing for the year, there are going to be some different things going on with the girls, but I don't see how they'll involve me that much. I'd love to help, and I feel helpless, but I guess we'll wait a bit.
Tomorrow the teachers at Cascade View are having a parade where they go down all the streets of the town in their cars and wave to the children.
Looks like lots of signs being made - even one for London across the street. I see bare feet!
Emily has to work tomorrow, so I've invited myself over to wave to the teachers and do some videos. Since the street has no other outlet, the girls will get to see them go past twice.
I had a good day yesterday. I'm wondering if I remember what made it so good. I did get the UPS people on the phone again, and this time I got a sweet girl who got the job done. The truck was here in less than an hour, and those light fixtures are now on their way back to Home Depot.
When I opened the door for my walk, I saw this.
That's my selenium that Emily sent over that I'm supposed to start taking along with the zinc and vitamin D and B complex. Guess it can't hurt.
Saw the usual pretty things on my walk. Nothing new but did spot Rainier again.
Going up to the good view is my one workout of the day, and it makes me feel good when I get to the top.
Rainier looking a little pale today but still so beautiful.
I enjoyed the time so much. As bad as things are for us all, I do love to see families doing things together. I saw a father and two boys having batting practice at the school and another father and son playing basketball in their alley. Lots of runners, and I like how they will run into the street to keep a good distance between us. Sidewalks are decorated with chalk drawings and games. Sometimes I'll hear a tap on a window and see a little face eager to wave to someone going by. So far, I'm not wearing a mask, but I might start soon. If it means I can be around the girls more, we'll all wear them. I have a request for some child-size ones.
I hurriedly made this pink one yesterday. It's big in comparison to the ones I already have, and I don't like it as much. It's designed to fit over the n95 mask or has a pocket for any kind of filter you want to put it in. It's called the Olson mask, and this is the tutorial for it.
The inside pocket. I have a HEPA filter that I can use, and Ryan got some of the blue shop rags that are supposed to be really good filters and disposable.
The pleated ones don't have pockets for filters or wire or pipe cleaners for the nose, but I think I can add them. Since I have some extra time, I might work on several styles. Better to have them and not wear them than to need them quickly. I got some skin-safe double-stick tape that does give a snug fit around the nose and cheeks, and if I make another of these, I'll just make it a little smaller.
Can't believe we're even talking about stuff like this!
Speaking of sewing, I had seen these little bunny baskets in the past, but I decided to go ahead and make one for the girls. Too lazy to put faces on them. I'll get a better picture of them when I find some candy to go in them. Elise found none in Safeway this weekend, so I ordered some from Target, and it may be here in time. I'll put some "dollars" in there if I need to.
Elise and I needed to get out for a minute last night, so we decided to go in search of the Pink Moon. We can't see it from any of our windows because of the building next door, so we just drove a short distance down the parkway and saw it in all its glory. We parked to just enjoy it but couldn't get a good picture of it with this silly little phone.
Wish I could say I took this one, but it was posted by Gary Anderson on our community page, to give him credit.

As we drove back to my parking place, it was totally visible from the alley right over our roof, so we could have just stayed home, but I think we both needed to get out a bit.
And today was just as unproductive as yesterday was productive. No real reason. I had my coffee and breakfast and then listened to my audio book while I did a little cross stitch. Then I felt aimless and just lay down and took a nap in the middle of the day.
The girls came by yesterday for me to watch for 5 minutes while Ryan walked a package up to the UPS store. I love seeing them, but that's not my favorite thing, seeing how fast and wild they're riding now. Both of them. They look like they're going to run into each other or a parked car, but then they'll swerve at the last minute and just laugh. Mimi nerves!
I'm glad the dolls have on their helmets, because they look like they're having a rough ride. You can't tell what the temperature is - one with a big coat and the other in short sleeves. Believe me, it was a COLD 52.
To add to my brain overload, Ryan brought this over.
Emily said they were going to get me one since they enjoy theirs so much. And it gets used a lot. Even the girls will give it commands and ask it to play videos or music, and Emily and Ryan ask for recipes and listen to the news and make lists.
My favorite part is that you can sync it with your photos and have a constant slideshow going.
The problem with this is that all this stuff is easy for young people, but I freak out over it. "Just go to Google Home. Just go on line, and the setup is a breeze. Just, just just!"
This is the instruction manual.
I was sitting there with my laptop in my lap, my phone in my hand, and this Hub on the nightstand - in my pajamas - and my biggest worry was whether I was about to send my picture to everyone I know. I turned the camera off just to make sure, but that turned off the microphone so I couldn't yell, "Hey, Google. Show me cat videos" at it. It did that very nicely, and I was pretty proud of myself, but I can see I have a long way to go to figure this out. It's not like Ryan can come up here and set it up for me either.
I'm going to take it slowly tomorrow and teach it some new things. I can say, "Good Morning" and get the local weather and a calendar and the news, which might make me have doubts about a good morning.
I just asked for the news, and it gave me Fox News.
This was Layla's reaction - and mine too! We're going to cure that little machine of that! Hey, Google. We said NEWS.
I am grateful for all this technology and for the time to figure some things out. I probably will never learn enough to deserve such a nice gift. I do like the idea of having it in the kitchen and asking for recipes or ideas. With all the audio books and podcasts and movies at my disposal, there is no excuse for a boring day. I'm going to try to do better tomorrow.
And Layla is still staring at me. She did not like what she thought she heard me say.
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