I did have a wonderful Thursday with the girls. Emily had patients that day and was unable to stay home to see the teacher parade, but they had made signs the night before and were pretty excited at the prospect of seeing all the teachers. I'm not sure they quite understood what was going to happen, and frankly I didn't realize how much it was going to mean to all of us.
I told them I would walk over and watch with them. As I left home, I could hear the cars start to leave from the school with lots of horn honking and cheers. As it wound through another neighborhood, I got tears in my eyes thinking about how special this was going to be, not only for the kids but for the teachers too, seeing their students holding up signs and jumping up and down.
As the parade progressed through town, there was an update on Facebook, so we knew exactly where they were. Unfortunately, they didn't come down our street immediately but went all over town first. I was able to tell the girls whose house they were passing at a certain time, and they loved that.
We had a beautiful morning with sunshine and warm temps to wait, and it was so lovely to be that close to the girls and hear all the things they've been doing.
They had colored Easter egg pictures and put them in their windows.
Katherine had made a car and showed me every little part of it and how she could drive it.
Marco from next door keeping his distance but joining in on the fun. He's only three, but he and his little brother had fun waving at everyone.
London also is just preschool age, but she and her mom waved and cheered too, and Solomon just enjoyed being out in the sunshine.
Graysen had all of a sudden developed a serious interest in advertising, as in those people who hold up and twirl signs on the street corners advertising pizza and oil changes. We tried out several tricks, and she practiced a long time. She even drew some signs advertising doughnuts and "mekshaks" and was a little disappointed when the people passing by didn't notice and ask questions.
That's going to be a cookie with sprinkles.
It took nearly an hour for the parade to get to us, and when we heard the horns honking, it was so exciting. For some reason, the girls had planned that Katherine would watch perched on Graysen's back while Graysen held up her sign. I tried to get them to stand side by side and both hold the sign, but they had their plans!
I was holding the camera doing a video and waving and watching the girls, so I didn't get to read the signs. I did hear several cries of "Graysen" and "I love you" and "Miss you guys" And Graysen was so excited to see Mr. Harper - a higher-grade teacher that she likes, her new librarian, her PE teacher, Mrs. Kappen, Miss Kim, and best of all Mr. Frazer. "It's our principal!! It's Mr. Frazer. I saw Mr. Frazer."
I love that everyone was just as excited-sounding at the end of their hour-long parade and made it a special day. The girls finally ventured closer to the street as the cars doubled back and came by a second time.
This coming week was the regularly scheduled Spring Break, and after that, they're starting a new on-line program. It's going to be challenging, but already they've been able to see all their friends and the teacher online and feel like they're still part of that family. Making the best of what we have.
I wore my mask after the parade so I could spend some more time with the girls outside, and I just couldn't get used to it. I'm afraid I am, though, and they're going to have to wear one too if we spend any time together. There is a chance though, and that's all I need, to know I can go inside their house and help entertain them or help with their school work and just enjoy watching them, if even from a distance.
We were all sad when I left. It's been nearly a month since we've touched each other. But then, we're not sick and are doing as well as we can, so there's that.
And this. This is the only color I've seen azaleas here.
The rhododendrons are budding out now and will be here in all their glory within weeks (days?). I'm looking forward to the warmer weather and the chance to be around people. It was so nice talking to the neighbors and Ryan in addition to the girls.
It's going to be balcony time really soon now, although I'm not sure how I'm going to get any new plants. It's still a little cool out there in the shade, but it won't be long. I got some new lights to string from the ceiling and hope I can get Ryan to put those up for me this weekend.

I touched up my chairs last year, but I'm going to get some black spray paint and do it right this year along with the table. I want new chair cushions, but I can't find any I really like. Cannot wait to sit out there with my coffee and book (if I can find any books to read! C'mon, Library. I miss you!)
I found these at Target that are similar to the ones I have. I love mine, but they do have some mildew that I can't get off. I'll keep looking, but I think these will do if necessary.
These too, but I want brighter. Maybe. That might not be bad.
But then this is really interesting too!
Well, showed them to Elise, and she hated them all. "Keep looking," she said. Ha.
I really want to do this! Or something similar. I always have my herb garden going, but I like the idea of separate jars or pots for each herb. I think I have a wire basket in my Christmas decorations that I don't use any more. It's gold, but if I start spraying things, that might get in the way!

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