Noreen had asked me if I would follow her to the "car place" to leave her car yesterday morning. Emily took the girls, so we were able to go about 9:00, and it was such a nice outing. You can tell when we've been closed up for too long and only updating each other on our Wordle scores! We didn't even mention that on the way. It does make us realize we have to take time to get together for an in-person chat. Nothing like it. She was off to take someone to an appointment, so we just had a quick trip there and back. I did learn of a new car place in case I need anything local done - fingers crossed an oil change is the only thing on my list.
She brought me a welcome bowl of soup, and I had it for lunch. Soooo good.
I really wanted some cornbread, but I'm still not able to find a good self-rising corn meal - or any fine corn meal - around here and keep forgetting to order any, so I gave up on that. I'll check at the grocery store today and see what's available. If I can interest the girls in going with me, we'll go right after school since they have early pickup and a long afternoon.
We also have a teacher work day Monday, and chances are we might have a sleepover, so I need to corral them to find out what they're liking to eat lately. They've gone from vegan to vegetarian lately and can add more familiar foods. They had missed eggs and milk, and that's a good treat for breakfast - yellow eggs!
We tried to get a milkshake at McDonald's last week, but the drive-through lanes were blocked, and the girls had jumped in the car without their masks, thinking we wouldn't need them, so we traveled across the street to Burger King. They were also having troubles, and we were trapped in the line before we knew it. It was not unpleasant waiting, but the girls decided to open their lunchboxes and snack on their leftovers from school while we waiting. After being gone for over an hour, we came home with two vanilla milkshakes and large fries. I managed to snag a couple of the fries, and they were nice and soft, better than McDonald's. That's my restaurant review for today. Oh, and I resented having to pay 27 cents for a teeny container of honey mustard sauce. I don't carry cash around, and it was touch-and-go to dig that much out. We had ranch dressing at home, so it was a successful trip. Not going to fast-food places - ever lately - makes it nice when we do. A real adventure. There's no temptation to get a Happy Meal since they have meat in them, so it's simple choices and big smiles.
So my morning today consists of taking the girls to school and getting my hair cut. I'm not sure why I put that haircut off so long, but I just hate taking the time to do it. I'm in and out in 10-15 minutes, and it's pleasant, but I just wait until I'm aggravated with it before I'll go. Let's hope it's good walking weather.
Then the only things on my agenda are vacuuming, doing today's Wordle, and reading some in my (paper not audio) book. I started Miss Dior on Tuesday and read a little bit every night. I'm not sure why the interest unless I saw a good review. I certainly don't remember anything about Christian Dior except that he was a designer and completely outside my sphere of fashion knowledge. I'm just enjoying different types of reading lately and haven't listened to any audio books this week.
It's not just about fashion but about the wars and concentration camps and what sad and tragic lives most of that family lived. Still, the writing is beautiful when describing their family home in France, and there are pages and pages of old black-and-white pictures.
Wordle has been interesting this week with words like rupee and nasty. I have one miss in 25 tries and now have a streak of 13. That makes me nervous because I have to be accountable to Emily and Noreen. We're pretty serious about it and discuss our strategies. Noreen introduced me to online Scrabble, but we haven't played each other. Emily and I have an game ongoing. She sent me a word last night and gloated and then went to bed. We do exchange a good many insults about our choices. I'm not so keen on looking up answers but just want to be creative with my limited vocabulary. I have a hard time beating the computer because I seem to always get a rack of vowels, sometimes 7 of them. So unfair. I pick someone at random to play, and these people (or maybe bots) don't tend to play a game over the course of an hour or so and get it over with. A word may come in at inconvenient times, and then I have to go back and figure out what I wanted to play. I'm waiting for someone to come on now and play so I can very firmly make topaz. IF the other person doesn't block me. It's a 32 pointer, and you can see neither one of us is exactly tossing out anything worthwhile.

It's really nice though, and Emily and I have enjoyed it lately. We find it hard to get together in person much, so this is our way of chatting and making each other laugh.
I'll come back with pictures of the sweet girls all ready for school in an hour and get on with my day. Laundry is going, cats are fed, and my first cup of coffee is halfway gone. And it's Friday!
These are my favorite socks right now. Cozy Earth. Before Christmas, I could hardly turn on the computer without seeing ads for this company. It was an Oprah Pick, so Oprah told Emily to get me some for Christmas. I got 3 pair, this one, a black pair, and a navy pair.
They're so soft and luxurious to put on. I wear these under boots where they don't show, and I'm hoarding the dark ones so they don't get all linty or lost or whatever happens to socks. Emily said to go ahead and use them up because Oprah told her I could have some more when those are gone. I really should ask for the
bamboo pajamas, but I'm not sure I could relax in $200 pajamas. Or $255 sheets. I'd better wait until my 401K recovers a little bit. I'm perfectly happy with my threadbare and comfy ones, but if I get new ones,
Amazon also has bamboo ones for $39 with lots of colors that are probably worth trying once anyway.
The girls really didn't want to go to the grocery store after school. Who can blame them. We came home and had a snack. Then they had some school work to do. Katherine needed to do a couple of pages of math - place value - and did great once she took the time to read the directions. When we finished, she said, "Thank you for showing me how to do the problems with those little sticks."
Place value sticks. I love the colors and how clear it makes place value seem, but they have always been the hardest things to snap apart. Looks like the hot chocolate didn't get wiped up so well! They are pretty good at cleaning up but are always in a huge hurry to get to the next thing.
Graysen needed practice on her multiplication facts, so we did a few rounds of flash cards until she could do two sets pretty quickly. I guess we spent a full 30 minutes on it, and then they wanted to do word searches on my phone. I have to reset the timer for 10-minute intervals because they can't help reaching in and "helping" the other person.
It's time to take them home, and I'll be enjoying the start of the weekend with my book and a cup of coffee. Maybe I won't venture to the Putin news tonight. I heard him described as reptilian, and now I can't look at his eyes without thinking of that. I feel so bad complaining about the little inconveniences I have when people are suffering so in the Ukraine.