I got in last night about 7:30, which was really around 9:30 according to the time I've been keeping. Ryan picked me up and dropped me off, and I pretty much went straight to bed and slept well. I was excited to see the girls (Emily too) this morning. I got some good hugs and kisses and lots of catching up.
I gave them some of their Alabama surprises while they ate breakfast, and they loved them so much. Aunt Carol sent them butterfly-shaped soap, which they can hardly believe. I think bathtime will be fun tonight.

We went shopping at Darby's Pharmacy in Andalusia Monday, and Carol also found the cutest little pineapple lip glosses for them.
The first picture of the Darby's Face Book page gives a hint as to what Aunt Kathy is sending. Lucky little girls.
They have such a good selection of sweet clothing and accessories. I saw many things I wanted to buy but didn't. So tempting. Lots of Auburn things and swimming and summer clothes. It's a beautiful store - and a pharmacy too, although that was kind of overlooked by us.
I brought a surprise for them for this afternoon, but the barrettes I brought them from Wal-Mart were also liked and discussed. Kate liked the sparkly ones and Graysen the ones with little flowers.
Nothing like being bombarded with gifts while you try to eat breakfast.
The sheep stampede was not funny at the time but I think will be later. I'll have to take a picture of the bad boy this afternoon. The two sheep at Rooster Valley have obviously just been shorn and look ridiculous, as do all bare sheep. When we saw him, Graysen said he looked silly. As we went into the barn Ms Tricia was handing out handfuls of food to feed the one in the pen inside. Graysen usually turns that down and was signing her name on the board when the outside sheep just barreled into the barn and pushed her over and ran into me and whoever else was standing around. He was just trying to get to where food was being handed out. She was checked over and clucked over, and her feelings were a little hurt, but she bounced back, and I left her singing their very appropriate morning song, "Oh, What a Beautiful Morning."
I loved seeing the mothers gathering outside to talk and let their little ones play in the puddles and all the people walking dogs and strolling babies and running. The dogwoods are beginning to bloom, and everything smells so fresh. It's usually green year round here, but in the spring, there's this new leafy green, and the sunshine just makes it sparkle.
I have bunches more pictures I took in Andalusia. It was such a fun visit, as usual.
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