Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Free Day

This is the only day of the week no one has to go to school or gymnastic, so we have the whole day stretching before us.  Winters were hard because I'm not one to get one in the cold and rain just because of boredom.  That's what books and dress-up clothes are for.

Life is looking up now though, because the sun is shining and the temperatures are rising a little.  And Graysen and Katherine are big enough now to walk on their own and pretty much follow directions.  It took a little while to finish breakfast and get dressed, but our plans were to go buy plants, go to the grocery store for milk, and have a picnic in the park - any park.  Let the arguing begin!

I put them in the back with their books and headed out.  Graysen found an old lunch bag in the garage with Emily's name on it that she used in junior high and just loves it.  She said when she got bigger, her name was going to be  Emily.

My plan was to get the plants first before all of us ended up tired and sweaty, but Graysen wanted to find out which park I was talking about "up the hill."  It was Jeanne Hanson Park, and it's the nicest one that I've seen around here.  As soon as we drove up and looked around, Graysen said, "PopPop took me here when I was 2."  She's right, of course, but what a memory.  We both took her several times, just having the best time watching her.  Everything she did was new and thrilling, and we were terrified she was going to get hurt.

So, once seeing it, we had to stay which was a good idea.  It wasn't too crowed and had several sizes of swings and climbing things.

Katherine thought swinging was the best thing ever.  Her little neighborhood park doesn't have individual swings but a big tire type swing.

Graysen did a lot of meditation while spinning herself around and around and staring at the ground.

When did this baby get so big?

We were going to North Bend to get the plants, but on the way through Snoqualmie, Graysen mentioned being carsick and Katherine mentioned being hungry, so I thought I wouldn't go all the way there and make them do uninteresting things.  

I took a side trip to visit these poppies that I saw from the road.  I've never seen poppies too much ever, but these ones were huge.  I talked to the man outside, and he has a huge yard just filled to the brim with flowers and pretty things.  I wish I could have taken a tour, but he didn't really invite me.

Instead of going back home, I took another turn and found a tiny little park about a block from Rooster Valley.  It's on the banks of the Snoqualmie River, and you can sit in the picnic area and watch it go by (if anyone wants to).  We were the only ones there, and they had some interesting and different equipment - a zipline thing and a rocking snail for Katherine.  I had packed a lunch, and we took it over to the picnic tables and tried to eat, but it got too chilly for us.

Graysen needed to find some sunshine.

Next was the grocery store for milk (and 5 other things we didn't plan on).  They do love to go in the grocery store, but Katherine exclaims so loudly about things with such joy that we get lots of looks, pleasant ones though.  They are both in awe that there are so many hundreds of boxes and cartons of ice cream and popsicles and cookies and goldfish, just there for us to grab if we want to.  And they do.

Then we came to Mimi's house so I could relax and maybe take a short nap in my chair while they played.  I wish I had more energy.  They spent most of the time again playing with kitchen items like cupcake holders and tongs and a muffin tin plus way too many pompoms.  They ate another lunch (or snack) a few hours later.  I hope they had a good dinner, because I don't see a bit of green on those plates.


Now all I have to do is drink a cup of coffee and read some before I go to bed.  

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