Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Seriously Hard

I guess I have it easy - physically - compared to a lot of people, but I'm just letting this crazy life get to me.  I think I have too many loose ends and disorganization at a time when I have all the time in the world to get my act together.

There are some really good days and some surprisingly low days for me lately.  Or not really days but just periods of time.

There's not enough in my life right now to post anything very often, and then I tend to forget all the good things when I do.

Going back just one day:  This was a Memorial Day and probably the most blah one ever.  No plans.  Cool weather and rain.  No food in the house so forced to go to the grocery store.  So that's where I went.  I never liked going to the grocery store that much before but never really dreaded it.  Now I do.  It's like uncharted territory because of masks, barriers, one-way aisles, lack of certain items.

It was okay though, and I didn't mind it at all.  There were fewer people than before, and it's quieter because of no one talking much.  Everyone seems friendlier over their masks with looks of apology for being on the wrong aisle or just kind of a feeling of camaraderie of everyone just weathering this storm.

Emily and I had talked about ways I could possibly help out since I can't physically take the girls, and we decided I would do some cooking along for them - not my strongest suit and not that fun for me, but I did get a few ideas and the ingredients bought to do it.

I stopped by with a blueberry oatmeal bake for the girls on the way to the grocery store.  I love ringing the doorbell and hearing running feet and excited yells that Mimi is here.  Never gets old.  We had a little visit at the door, and they made me so happy.  One of Emily's co-workers had given them a huge box of clothes their daughter had outgrown (and most too big for the girls right now) and another bin of almost new toys, puzzles, books, etc.  So much excitement.

You can see Emily just hanging out in the background, on her third day of being inside with the girls.  Muttering something about her parenting.

 I think I can see this in a future Pajama Day at school - but hopefully not in the next year or two.

Picture that came later showed Katherine supposedly enjoying the blueberry oatmeal bars.  I probably used too many frozen blueberries and made it soggy, but they liked it, so that's all that counts.  

I had such a good day Sunday in the middle of all this gloominess on my part.  I didn't have a thing planned and wasn't even all that excited about reading the Sunday paper, but Noreen texted and said she was drinking her coffee on her porch - makeup optional.  Like I've worn makeup in weeks!  I had gotten up and washed my hair and dressed, so I took my cup and basked in the sunshine and had some good conversation and laughs with her.

Then I stopped by to pick up the mail and felt like walking, so I circled around the apartments and ran into my downstairs neighbor on HER sunny porch.  So envious of no stairs and sunshine!  I hardly ever see Pam because, even though we park our cars close to each other, their porch is on the opposite side of the building from my balcony.  We've waved a few times from the car but never talked much.  But that day we just found everything funny and crazy, and I ended up standing there 45 minutes talking with her.  Then her husband Marvin came out to see what was going on, and I enjoyed talking to him too.  Their sons and daughter-in-law have been very strict on their going out - even more so than my daughters - and they are getting a little antsy.  I'm so fortunate to have found a couple of sweet friends within a few steps of my door.  I think we'll get together more often, keeping our distance, of course, as it gets warmer.

After I left there, I went over to see the Win-Bins.  I had texted Emily over an hour ago that I might go by on my walk, but I think they weren't looking for me after all that time.

I never get tired of coming down this sidewalk and seeing the girls outside.

They were all outside that day, tackling that flower bed.  Emily had ideas for the azaleas, and Ryan was there to do her bidding.

All the planters looked so good yesterday when they finished with them.  Emily is proudest of her Lenten rose because of the love her dad had for it.

Well-thought out path.  One side for foot traffic and another for bikes and scooters. 

The girls are into musicals lately and watched Les Miserables.  Emily was once obsessed by this sound track and knew pretty much every song and all the words.  Looks like Graysen is following in her footsteps. 

One is into Broadway shows and the other into rocks!

I guess I'll go cook a little bit.  I made taco soup last night and have that done, so I'll try a breakfast dish and some spaghetti for the girls as well as some chicken and broccoli.  Maybe not all today.  There IS a limit to how much I enjoy being in the kitchen!

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