I took her by the apartment and dropped her off to stay with Elise because she really, really does not like to walk to the school and get Graysen. I think she's too much like me. I went on in spite of the rain mixed with snow - I'm just hardened to it somewhat - but was grumbling that this was not not what I signed up for. But I don't know, there's something about falling snow that just makes you not so mad with it. Then when the kids came out, they were wild. Besides being Wacky Wednesday and all that excitement, it was snowing again! Like they haven't been inundated with it for weeks. Graysen, as usual, ran all the way home, and I trudge along behind her yelling, "Wait for me! Don't go to the street." She's pretty good at minding me but loves to run and horse around with the boys from the neighborhood. Carter came up behind her with monster sounds, and she pretended to be disgusted, but I saw those dimples when she had to smile!
We've been working on being kind - at home, with me, at school - it's a recurring theme, it seems, and I happened to see this picture of her in the school news on Facebook.
I never recognize her at first in the group pictures, and in this one her hair is a little poufy. I think the label said Student of the Month, and this is the kindergarten kids. They could ask a friend, and she loves all the kids in her class, so I knew it would be hard, but she said, "No, I chose XXX because she's never gotten to eat at the special table." I love her heart, and I love that she's not afraid to do the right thing sometimes. Not always, of course, because she's little.
I'm also glad that she had enough self-confidence to dress of for Wacky Wednesday and Dr. Suess Day. I'm not sure last year she would have, and the year before, she refused to be in the preschool program. This year has been good for her, and I'm not sure exactly what it is. I know her teacher is excellent, and I think her time has just come for blooming. She looks at pictures on FB of classes of all ages and will point out people she's played with on the playground and those who are her friend. Yesterday, it was, "This is the guy who chased Yukeni and I today. No, not him. He was on our team. It was those guys with the green and orange hair. I fell on ice on the playground, but I'm okay. It stopped hurting." She does fall quite a bit.
This is her class on Wacky Wednesday, sitting on the V.
We liked this picture for the beard and for the fact that the cutie on the left is Paige, Graysen's best 1st grade friend.

We had a good afternoon. I made cheese quesadillas for the girls, and they had milk and goldfish and talked and colored with Aunt CeCe. Then I had to play Barbie for a bit. I don't mind it because I can make the most outrageous statements, and they think it's so funny.
It wasn't long before this one lost a leg doing whatever it was she was doing.
Aunt CeCe can't resist a fun toy when she sees one. They loved these so much, but once they went into the bathroom and played a few minutes, they were done.
But Layla is the gift that keeps on giving. Katherine especially just can't keep her hands off her. I tied yarn to plastic bottle caps, and that kept all three entertained for about 30 minutes.
After they left, I had a cup of hibiscus tea. It's from a bag of Rosa de Jamaica that Dina and Gaby gave me when we met them at the beach. I forget about it, but I really do like it for a change. It's a little bitter but has a taste I like, and supposedly it's good for everything that ails you. Maybe it will help that back spasm I'm having a hard time shaking. It wasn't bad but just uncomfortable enough to keep me from sleeping well.
I forgot
this until just now and coming back to say that I have no sign of any back discomfort. That hibiscus tea is a miracle worker!
Tomorrow is Friday already, and it's been a great week. I'm looking forward to the weekend, and then next week around Thursday, the freezing nights will stop, and we'll have highs in the 50s plus some sunshine. I think I'll be a new person when that happens.
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