Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Slow September Start But Found Emma

 Nothing is going the way I planned it.  Not all bad and not all good but just days of spinning my wheels and not getting the things done that I wanted to get done.

I didn't even see the girls for a week, and that is so unusual for me.  I did want to get to Graysen's soccer game but decided to wait until it was cooler since there's a long walk and sitting with no shade.  I can't believe I'm even thinking about things being too hot.  They won anyway, and I'll get to try for the next one.  Kate is playing soccer too but not on a club team, so her games are at different places.  She's not totally dedicated to it but is marking her time until she find her perfect activity.  She's talking about lacrosse, especially since there are school teams for later on.  Her martial arts classes are going so well.  Last week was belt testing, and she got all sorts of honors during the week.  She went up to a blue belt, I think, and got called out first and got to lead her group.  I'm not sure what all of that means, but there was a lot of excitement.  I have to try to get down there this week to watch one of the classes.  I always enjoy the enthusiasm and the serious faces of those kiddos.  Kate accidentally found out when we were getting out of our cars that one of her instructors lives in the apartment behind us.

The weather is coolish and was even rainy yesterday, and I'm enjoying it so much, although I've stuck close to home.  We've canceled our little yard sale because of time and energy and things happening with the remodeling, and we'll have to wait until spring now.  I am going to list my freezer on the free stuff page.  It's just taking up room in the garage with nothing going in there except the few times when I have maybe some overflow groceries.  

I can't think of anything noteworthy to write, so I'll find a few more pictures from the past and post those.  I'm feeling a little out of the loop, but it's time for the annual birthday call between Debra and me.  I'll have to text and see when the next 3-hour block of time is available for us both! 

I never watch movies and sometimes feel guilty, I guess, about having access to them and not taking advantage of it.  When I saw that the new Jane Austen Emma movie got good reviews, I decided to watch it, and it was lovely.  

The chess-playing Anya-Joy Taylor had the role of Emma and did it justice, as did all the characters.  

I just smiled through the whole movie.  Any time I get to see Miranda Hart act makes me happy, and she was perfect.  

I know I've seen Bill Nighy act before but wasn't familiar with his name.  He was hilarious with his worrying about the weather and health and everything else.  I totally identified with him.

I'm wondering how I could get this setup for the coming winter.  And the two footmen to be there to set them up when I ask.  

Actually, all the parts were well cast and so familiar at the end of the movie. I think I'll go on a binge and watch all the Austen books that were made into movies and find some others too.  Perfect winter watching by the fire.

After reading some of the articles, I want to go back and watch it again and look for some of the things I missed.

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