Stream of consciousness meanderings:
I finally had a good blood pressure reading this morning. Not great but so much better than the last few months. Nothing new as far as miracle discoveries as to what is making me so fatigued, but I'll be doing some physical therapy to try to build up strength and balance. I do feel better but not even half as well as I did before I fell, even considering a few added years. I'm happy and content though, and that's a good thing.
I talked to several people by email and text, and that was fun, all from Georgia or Tennessee. They're getting hot down there now, and I'm not minding a few more days of cool.
I got to see Katherine only this afternoon, and she went over to the park to play until she had to get ready for martial arts. She noticed I had the Blogspot blank page to write a new post and said they did something like that in Coding - could she play with it? I told her what it was all about, and she gave her story a title and typed in the first line. Then she showed me how you could use the writing instruments and highlight words or sentences.. Or write in a different color. 🐫🌼💮👊🐑🗰ሥሥ🌻🗯 She found special characters. I'd better enlist her help with some other things I'm confused about.
Other than that, I made an excellent dinner of air fryer chicken tenders. Who knew that soaking the pieces in pickle juice could give them such a good taste. And tender! I don't think I've eaten better ones, although that may have been the air fryer's doing. I made a dipping sauce with yogurt, dill, onion powder, and one more thing. I'll have to check. Not the best but okay. Stayed away from sugar and flour for the start of the second week.
I'm listening to The Women by Kristen Hannah, a story of women volunteering for nursing positions in the Vietnam and how unprepared they were. Well-written and interesting although a terrible subject.
I watched Fried Green Tomatoes yesterday just because it was the first thing that popped up on Netflix, and it's been decades since I first saw it. Fanny Flagg. That's a name from the past. An Alabamian with several good and very funny books that we enjoyed back in the younger days. I'll have to find out if she has any books I haven't read. Or really any books, because I won't remember the old ones. Another movie I found recently was an old Meryl Streep/Robert Deniro one from I believe 1989. Falling in Love. I love watching some of my favorite actors in their younger days. Those styles from the 80s and early 90s!
Slow day but got my groceries home and put up. I was exhausted. It was a 5 bag day, and no checkout people were at their posts, so I had to stand and scan and load all those bags. And then drag them in and put them up. Sad that simple things are so hard now. If I had gotten questioned about a scanning mistake or anything else today, I think I might have snapped pretty fiercely at the accusing person.
I'll try to get a normal night's sleep. One night, it's going to happen.
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