Friday, March 1, 2024

Egg Day

The snow is all melted, and the rain has settled in for at least as long as a 10-day forecast.  There will be a few snow days in there, but hopefully they will be just flurries and not here to stay.

I had Katherine only today after school.  I miss Graysen when she doesn't get to come, but her soccer practice is three or four days a week, so I hardly ever see her any more.  

I decided this afternoon to boil some eggs because I've not been liking eggs too much lately and neglected the 18 I have in the refrigerator.  When I checked the date to use by, I noticed that it was tomorrow.  I know those aren't exact, and you can do the float test, but I figured I was pretty close to having to share some.  I boiled 8 anyway, and I asked Katherine if she liked deviled eggs.  We need an interpreter for our egg conversations.  There are yellow eggs (scrambled) and white eggs (boiled) and round eggs and galaxy eggs (fried), but even the deviled eggs have descriptors.  "The yellow parts are mashed up, but I don't like the green things in them, but I do like the red stuff."  I translated that to paprika and knew I was good to go.  Sometimes one will like deviled eggs plain and the other will like it with pickles, but they hardly ever like the same kinds at the same time.  

Anyway, I was excited because I would get to use up some eggs and get to offer a healthy snack too.  

Katherine asked if she could have the carton to keep her squishies in, and I told her she could if she would transfer the eggs into the plastic bin in the refrigerator - something I obviously didn't think was important enough before.  

I had to hold my breath as she had the carton across the room and carried them two by two to place in the bin.  An 8-year-old doesn't like a ton of instructions from anyone, especially this one.  She did great though and played in the china cabinet while I prepared the eggs.  

Last week she brought home 3 noodles from school - filched probably from art class? - and asked if I would get her some more interesting ones.  Like a good Mimi, I bought a box of colored pasta, and she's just discovered them.  I know my limits, so I didn't ask why she wanted the pasta, but I noticed a lot of arranging in there.  I shouldn't be surprised at what children come up with to entertain themselves, because I was the same way.  It didn't take much.  She was just as thrilled with that box of noodles as she would have been with a new toy.

I worked on the eggs and absolutely was not in the mood for them, so I sent them all home with her. 

When I finished them, she popped a couple in her mouth and took the rest home to her sister.  

I wonder if those round yellow centers reminded her of Twister, because as soon as I got the kitchen cleaned and sat down, she came in and put the Twister game in my lap.  She knew I wasn't going to join her all twisted up on the floor, so she let me be the "spinner" while she and an imaginary person played.

I figured it wouldn't take long to get tired of playing with an invisible person, but it didn't seem to matter.  I had to spin and call out her position and then the partner's position.  Over and over and over.  Such fun.  You'd think she had a crowd playing with her.

I'm just not taking many pictures lately, especially since I've not been outside any more than I have to.  Also the girls don't really want me recording the things they say and do as much as they used to, so I have to be sneaky.  

To is Friday early release, and I'll have four of them walking here.  It's still a little wet and cold to play outside, and I don't want to be responsible for other children crossing the street, so they'll probably play in the house.  I have a couple of new card games and plenty of art supplies available.  You never know what kind of moods they're going to be in, so we'll see.  

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