I think Emily and I both are having withdrawal symptoms. We spent so many days (or I did - she was mainly studying) planning and collecting items and making decisions and working on the quilt and discussing details that it's kind of a letdown to be back in the normal world. Mainly for me, since Emily and Ryan spent the last week in Washington and have some big decisions to make and lots of unpacking of gifts and thanking of people. When they picked everything up last night, including Griffin and Jack, I walked back into the garage, and the only thing left were flower petals all over the floor from the last of the wedding flowers. It's kind of a good feeling to have it behind us and free from the stress that goes with planning and carrying out a wedding, but I'm just a little lost.
It won't take me long to get back to normal, normal being making a mess. I was digging through fabric today, trying to decide on the next project - maybe Elise's quilt if she'll talk me through what she wants.
First meet Rascal, the newest grandpuppy. According to Stephanie "the cutest puppy in the entire world." I can't wait to snuggle with him.

I never got around to seeing the food much, but this is beautiful. When we get some clearer pictures, I'll get Emily to give me the menu. I loved just watching the caterers setting up things and wishing I could be that productive.

This is a clearer picture of the cake and topper. If you click to enlarge it, you can see small replicas of Emily, Ryan and Griff. They don't know that the baker dropped Ryan into the icing when he was placing it and had to wipe his suit off . I'm still wondering what the photographers are doing here. Guess we'll find out soon.
That's probably about it for pictures for now. They do show what a good time we had, and I just wish we had a picture of everyone. We will eventually, I'm sure.
i think rascal should've been in the wedding.