Monday, May 9, 2022

May Needs to be Nicer

 It rained most of Mother's Day weekend, and I didn't get any of my nice plants situated.  Emily, however, labored for two days to repot and dig and trim and make new beds and arrangements.  She doesn't have to sit by the fire and watch movies like I do.

I didn't have to do a thing to get this from Elise.  She makes some good blueberry waffles and beautiful flower arrangements.

I really was looking forward to finding my Seattle Times delivered Sunday morning and was perturbed not to find it.  It wasn't here last week, but I gave them a pass since it's a new subscription, but I wasn't happy not to get it yesterday.  I found the customer service page on line and gave the box that said "missing paper" an emphatic check.  I hope they could see how unhappy I was! 

I'm such a tightwad, like Mike, who doesn't want to pay full price for a newspaper just to get the New York Times Crossword Puzzle out of it.  I would like just the section with the books and puzzles delivered neatly to my rocking chair on Sunday morning, but I guess that's too much to ask.  I found a "deal" where I get maybe 8 weeks for $1 and then $6 a month from then on, including digital access.  I read all the news I can stand on my phone and will rarely use the digital part, but I like to see book reviews and lists and, of course, all the puzzles in paper version.  There are other advantages too, so I'm not too upset with paying for it.  I just want to actually get it.  I was ready to call the customer service number this morning and fuss about it, but I looked on the front porch, and there were 3 newspapers.  There was one soggy and dirty one from May 1st.  I'm not sure where it came from, because I looked all around the apartment block.  Then there were 2 copies of the May 8th one.  I'll share that with Noreen if she wants it and stop dwelling on it.

After all that, I didn't have time to even open it today.  I need a warmer morning for sitting on the porch with my coffee and enjoying the birds.

Speaking of warm days, we did have one last week.  It happened to be on Wednesday when the Girls on the Run group had their practice 5K run.  Not a race, mind you, but just a practice run, to get all the girls across the finish line and support your friends.  But, of course, it did turn out to be a race for some.

The parents who weren't running buddies with their girls and anyone else was welcome to come and cheer them on, so Katherine and I were to find a spot to cheer.  The route started in front of the school and went all the way around the school - SIX times - plus a block.  I took a small quilt in my bag and went to pick up Katherine and leave Graysen there to meet her friends.  Emily was coming from work to be her running partner.  Katherine didn't understand the assignment, I guess, because while I was standing there talking to someone, she got caught up in all the neighborhood kids and was skipping merrily home.  She had already crossed the street with them, and I couldn't get her attention until she was halfway home.  I was worn out by then and ready to find my spot.  

A couple of Katherine's classmates were also left to watch - Keaton and Cora - and they were having fun playing until the group went by the first time.  Once Katherine saw everyone run by, she jumped up and ran with them - and kept on running and just didn't come back.

The next time I saw her, she had found a running buddy - Ms Kern, the guidance counselor - and I heard they were the first ones to finish.  The group is only for grades 3 through 5, but no one seemed to care if a first-grader joined in.  

It was pajama day that day, and Graysen had not taken any cooler clothes, so by the start of the second lap, she was so hot.  There were lots of red faces and the pace slowed down quite a bit, but everyone seemed to make it all the way.

Harper and Graysen starting the second lap.

Almost all the Hunt ladies.

My sweet girl.

Marie and her Mom.

Emily without her running buddy.

 Harper and Ali.

I didn't know the older girls or their mothers or dads, but they were a cheerful bunch.  As soon as the last person reached the end, I walked on home, but I could hear a lot of cheering going on for a good while.  I think they will join the other schools in town next time.  

We'll still have rain every day this week, but the temps will be higher.  Not quite up to 70 yet though.  It is an unusually cool May. 

Cheeto the Cat, guardian of the Pea Patch. Look at those neat little front paws. The Bindert patch is the first one you see going into this gate, conveniently close to the compost pile.  Each pair of plots has a hose connection, so it's a really nice place to garden.  Someone saw Cheeto catching voles in the compost pile.  I think I'd rather not think about what's in there.  


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