When the days are beautiful and warm, and you're busy, the days just fly by. Some of these days I want to freeze for when the gloomy days come, but sometimes I'm more than ready to fall into bed at the end of the day.
Last week was quite busy, and I'll mainly just post the pictures I took or was sent.
Just random photos of the balcony, Steller, and other pretty places.
Can't get enough of the view from the living room. It's still a little cool for sitting outside for long periods, but it won't be long.
Emily's favorites this year are ranunculus and lupine. She planted seeds in the raised bed on the side of their house last year, and nothing came up, but they sure did this year!
The cats can't get enough of that sunshine and will lie out there and mutter to the hummingbirds all day.
Sunday: Mother's Day. The girls and I were pretty last minute with their mom's gift. Early in the afternoon, we were in the garage potting petunias. I didn't even take a picture of the gifts, but they were pretty cute. Graysen chose pink and Katherine purple flowers, and they were received excitedly since Emily's very favorite things nowadays are plants.
I found these little plastic pots with a clear overlay. Once the picture is colored - or drawn - you sandwich it between the pot and the plastic cover and have a nicely decorated pot.
They got busy immediately and started coloring and discussing their choices - and then they discovered a blank band of paper, and that was just what they wanted - to be creative. They just created their own pictures, which is one thing I love about them. One had MOM on it, and the other one had EMILY! I'll ask for pictures of the finished products.
The girls chose Mother's Day outfits for everyone.
Harry Potter

This is a little bit of a stretch from digging dinosaurs out of rocks, but it's much more exciting for a cat-loving little girl.
From Katherine to Mom.
I got beautiful hand-made cards from the girls and a glassybaby hand-blown candle holder from everyone. I kept hearing about those uniquely-named products through the years on the community page and never expected to own one. Now I'm in the inner circle. It's beautiful though. I'll take a photo tonight when it will show up the best. Elise brought in five different colored geraniums and that beautiful petunia basket. She listens well and knows what I like.
This sweet surprise came in the mail Friday from Debby. It's perfect, and I am blessed. The girls were so excited to see a shirt with my name on it, like I'm the only Mimi ever. I LOVE it. A lot.
We don't personally have a dog among us right now, but I do have a new cousin - Max. When I called Debby to thank her for the shirt, she and Tom were at the airport picking him up. I can't stand it! Who can resist that little face and that little body!
And of all breeds to run into last week, there was another English bulldog, Chomps, at the park where we were. Katherine was yelling, "Awwwwwwww, a puppy," and I asked if we could pet him. He belonged to someone from Duvall, which is a good distance away, who was here watching his brother play baseball at the high school nearby.
The paw print stamp on Katherine's hand was their reward for a good gymnastics hour. At first, she was disappointed. "A PAW?" A different child gets to pick the stamp every time, and the only boy chose this one. Appropriate!
Monday: This was my first visit to soccer camp. It's just an introduction to soccer in preparation for teams in August. Graysen decided she didn't want to go but wanted to stay home and help her dad, so it was just me. A few of the kids were really into, but most of them were just running around joyously and having fun. Katherine was very enthusiastic but didn't seem to be paying particular attention to what they were supposed to be doing. I'm not sure any of them did. Coach was patient and seemed to enjoy himself. Such a beautiful windy day.
My time has run out, and I still have to cover gymnastics, a train, moving, and more things, I'm sure.
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