Then I decided to check the news. Not even the national news. I'm not sure I have the heart for that. But my Facebook opened with the Snoqualmie Ridge page, and the answer to my question about all the fire trucks last night was answered.
We hardly ever hear sirens unless it's involving crashes on the interstate or going toward Tiger Mountain, but last night it went on and on. I did check the community page on Facebook only to find out it was a fire here on the ridge and a big one. I don't have a window facing that way so didn't look, but it was just a matter of 10 blocks or so from here.
This was the first photo, taken by someone living in the valley.

This one was a biggie. Just reading the comments, I think there were 10 fire trucks there and two firefighters injured.

And what makes me so sad is that this same house burned last year and was in the process of being rebuilt. The first fire started because of a compost bin near the house, but I don't know how this one started.

I don't even know these people, so why the interest? I don't know except that I feel so silly letting small things throw me for a loop when I can't even imagine how this family must be feeling. The construction was moving along, and the windows had just been put in. They were scheduled to move in in October. Having lived through a fire once, it's not just the material things that are lost. It's the trauma of being homeless and helpless, and for this to happen twice - I can't even imagine. Does insurance even pay twice?
My problems seem really small this morning: Making my nearly daily call to Regions to try to close out Mama's checking account. At least the people I've dealt with are sweet and helpful - but it's getting old. I thought it was settled yesterday down to a 0 balance, but then this morning I opened the account page, and there is an $8 monthly fee. I'm really going to not enjoy using my time on this. Someone on the phone one day I suggested I just go to a branch and settle it there instead of online. I told them that the cost of a plane ticket would be much more than the $29.10 left in the account - the one that refuses to be closed!
The only other problem I have this morning is not having enough hours in the day to get done all I want to. I have the energy this early to get out and start painting my wicker chairs, but I refuse to do it in a jacket. It's 48 degrees now and will only get up to 58. I'm glad Ryan is able to go to Graysen's end-of-school picnic today. Being chilly AND sitting on a blanket on the ground are not happy places for me.
Instead, I'll warm my half a cup of coffee and make a list of a few things I'm sure to get done.
I try to keep the door closed to the sewing room because there are way too many interesting things for kitties and children to get into, but yesterday I found these thread holders both hanging from one nail each. All the spools were hanging on, by some miracle, but I spent some time wondering how it fell and putting up new nails. After closer inspection, I realized that Layla could stand on the sill and bat away at the spools until she loosened up enough thread to make a fun toy. Then when the thread catches on her legs, she runs and pulls on the thread until it breaks or causes the holders to fall.
I'll probably not spend any more time on rewinding the spools for now and just try to keep the door closed.
I did notice this on the floor just now. I wondered where it was. And the bad thing is there is milk in it.
And I still have no real problems!
Sweet things this morning though.
Graysen was sad yesterday because she didn't get to come to my house after school, but she cheered herself up by bringing Elise, Layla, and me special rocks she had painted this weekend. Plus a picture of a duck she had painted, which is on my refrigerator.
I chose to put my beautiful rock on the table outside by the new rosemary plant that I hope will live.
Layla's is in her cat tree, which she loves so much. Katherine spent a lot of time yesterday singing to her while she slept in it and telling her stories. So I know that rock will be a special addition.
EDIT: I thought this was a cute drawing of a cat's paw or something only Graysen could see, but it took a 4-year-old to set me straight. Katherine brought me the rock and said, "I didn't know why this was called a cat, but I turned it sideways, and look!"
The whiskers make it!
Life is good. Elise has gotten up and is emptying the dishwasher while I waste time here, so I guess I timed it just right.
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