I've been in a lovely pink and green fog for a couple of months now working on Isley's quilt, and it is totally finished now. Ready to go to Washington. I think Washington is ready for Isley too, at least 2 people I know are.

I guessed that the embroidered squares wouldn't handle washing as well as the other parts because they're not actually quilted down. The wrinkles will iron out, but who irons a quilt? So it will have to be wrinkled. These pictures are awful - all pale and anemic-looking. I'll do some more later.

The back is just the way it's supposed to be, bright and wild.

All in all, a really fun quilt to do. It'll be hard to give it up. Maybe I can visit it this summer.
To help my pain, I started in earnest on Elise's quilt. I'll do Emily's at the same time, but I have to keep my mind on this one until I get those measurements straight in my mind....3-1/2 x 5-1/2, 5-1/2 x 2. 83 pairs of Block A and Block B and 19 single Block A's.
Here's a pair sewed together. They're easy to do, but I'm a little haphazard with my 1/4" seams sometimes. Once they're trimmed, these will be fine. I think.

These are a few pairs I just cut and laid out. Good thing they're not sewed together since I see a couple of mistakes.
It was a good day to sew - a perfectly cold and gray day. We had to drive to Prattville this morning, and that wind was not fun. Winter is not fun to me.
While we were in the doctor's office, a couple came in that I didn't look at very closely, middle-aged with a little girl. On the way home, Mama said, "That woman sitting across from us was on TV last night, yelling about the schools." I guess I miss a lot by not watching the evening news. She misses very little, from the doctor's hair and wardrobe to her opinion on Alabama politics, SEC football, whether "Days of our Life" is going off the air, and how much she hates cold weather. We do agree on that. I won't give my opinion on having to wait 2 hours to see the doctor when we had an appointment. This is just a pain management doctor - not an ER doctor with emergencies - with 6 or 8 people sitting in his waiting room in pain with overdue appointments. But no opinions. He does help her.
wow wow wow!!! That's the sweetest little quilt I've ever seen!! That's one lucky kiddo...