The sellers of this house were very proud of the spice rack they had built on the side of a cabinet and behind a door. I have to admit it was a great idea. Unfortunately, I had just dumped anything small on it and really had no idea what was there.
Last week I put it on my organizing list but that's as far as it went until yesterday when I had the step-stool out for another reason and decided to go for it.
I didn't throw out half as much as I anticipated, but I did find out exactly what I had. I found new homes for some things and brought other things in.
Since I (sort of) alphabetized the spices, I can have a general idea of where they are and not end up with 3 bottles of cinnamon candies. I went to 3 stores looking for them this Christmas to use in cornflake wreaths, not realizing I already had 2 bottles. Naturally, I ended up not making them, so now I have all 3.
These pictures all seem blurry, but I don't have time to take more.

That's about all I have to show for my week except for an excellent pork tenderloin that I just took out of the oven. No picture. It tastes better than it looks.
And another row of the quilt sewed down. Enough pictures of the quilt until it's finished.
And having a daughter get another year old. Emily had a birthday yesterday. They keep adding those years and making me feel old.
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