At least, people who come to see if I'm still alive can be satisfied. (I promise to answer emails soon.)
I didn't set any records for cleaning and straightening today, but when I had some extra time, I sewed - and sewed.
This is where the little quilt is now. Two more rows to join together. It's stressful zig-zagging the rows together and making sure the vertical bars line up. Then you have to turn it over and zig-zag again. I found my shoulders all knotted up a few times.

Tomorrow will be binding day hopefully. The stripe is the fabric I chose to go all the way around the edges. I love putting on bindings. Oh, and I guess I need to make a label too.

My only job on my quest to organize my kitchen was a row of cabinets and drawers - underneath those perfectly straight and clean drawers from yesterday.
So I did this drawer.
Not much to do here - just make new stacks.
I love the deep drawers next to the stove in this house. I have one for pots and pans too and straightened that one too, but I didn't put a picture here because I didn't want anyone to laugh at them.
This is one bottom cabinet that I've never really visited much. One side has baking things - maybe that's why . And pitchers, it seems. I threw away some things from here. Why would I have yeast? I won't mention the expiration date on that.
So it's all ready and waiting in case I get the urge to bake a cake - or something.
AND the biggie.
This neat spice/everything else rack is behind a door in the kitchen, and when I moved in, I just put anything on here that would fit. I think it's time to clean and sort. I'm kind of afraid to look at expiration dates because I may not have anything left when it's over with. If it smells good, I'm keeping it.
We'll see.
And finally --- my buy of the week/month/year (since that's all I've bought except groceries):
I had a fairly new mixer with a cute little stand that stored the beaters, but I kind of killed it before Christmas making cookies. There's that baking again. I kept forgetting to buy another one, but when I was in Wal-Mart the other day I remembered to look for one.
I found 2 portable mixers. One was a Black and Decker one for $19.88 and then there was this humble little thing for - not $8.88 - or even 5.88 - but $2.77! What's Wal-Mart's Blue Light Special? Rollbacks, maybe? If it works at all, it will be fine for that price. Who cares if I burn up the motor in this one?
I also found this in Wal-Mart, but I didn't stand in line for a picture. An hour before it was supposed to be on display, there were at least 100 people waiting for a picture.
Kind of blurred, but that's as close as I could get.
Hmmmmm let me see... Looks like a decorative dish or an extremely big clear mint candy hahahahaha.
ReplyDelete$2.77 for a mixer? wow!! Buy me one hahahahaha!!
it is a bargain dear, congratulations!!
Any new from Debby?