We flew the coop today right after lunch. Sorry for the chicken jokes, but we've been surrounded by hundreds of chickens and roosters for the past 4 days - not real ones. The pictures over the next few days will show some of them.
It was the greatest trip, just wonderful. From Sunday night to Wednesday afternoon, we had nothing to do but sew, read, talk, and eat in the most beautiful setting.
Debby and I met Sherry and most of the others at a Cracker Barrel in Cullman for supper. It's funny how the others were so unfamiliar then but ended up seeiming like old friends. I didn't take any pictures there (so as to delay the "she's weird" impression from the others) except for this interesting cabbage/kale? in the flower bed out front.

Also interesting was the way we got to the house. I think we had 7 cars and only 1 person who knew the way. We had one person who had to get gas, so we all lined up at the service station ready for takeoff.
If there's anything I hate worse than merging onto a congested interstate (which it certainly was Sunday), it's merging on a congested interstate at night with all those lights coming up behind me and not knowing what lane they're in. Luckily, we all got on without incident. We did our best to keep up with the leader who wasted no time getting there! After we left the interstate, we had about 20 miles to go of winding back roads. Coming back today it was nice, but at night we had no idea what we were getting into.
It was cold and damp, and we had all taken about 20 bags/suitcases/boxes each and had to get those unloaded and up the stairs to our rooms and sewing areas (which were thankfully downstairs). That was the worst part of the trip - except leaving to come home.
I should have taken a picture before we moved our things in, but this is our room - even roosters on the bed covers. It was fun to lie in bed each night and talk until 1 or 2 of us fell asleep. Debby and Sherry had not seen each other in 16 years, and we had not all 3 been together in about that many years, so there were lots of things to catch up on and lots of things to remember and laugh about. That was one of my favorite times.
This is the cozy little area in the hall just outside our room and another bedroom for 4. There were quilts everywhere and little arrangements. It was just hard to take it all in, and I kept seeing something different every time I looked around. The Christmas decorations were all up, which made the house even more beautiful. It will be tomorrow before I can get all those pictures posted. Get ready for Red Rooster pictures for several days!
Here is the front of the house and the lake across the street taken Tuesday when we ventured out for a walk - the easy-going-down-the-hill-but-rough-coming-back-up walk. The weather was great that day, crisp and good-smelling and just cool enough to be comfortable.
I'll save the other pictures for tomorrow - and the next day - and the next- but here is a view from upstairs of our sewing arrangement. We each had our own table and many times borrowed space from our neighbor.
I hope these ladies don't mind their pictures being here, but there was almost no time when the room was empty. We could hear sewing machines when we woke up every morning, and even after we went to bed.

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