Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Where Does My Time Go?

 There's no answer here.  I'm just mourning all those pretty fall days that are probably over with for this year.  The rain started yesterday afternoon - just a sprinkle - but it was gloomy by 4:00.  The red leaves showed up beautifully on all he streets I walked on or drove on, but I'm missing the blue sky.

The crunchy leaves on the sidewalk in front of my place have made it more fun to walk.  Kate still likes gathering up handfuls and throwing them.  The cats are on high alert as they try to nap on the porch, since every falling leaf could potentially be a critter to chase.  

I was going around the house to the car yesterday (because my remote garage door opener once again needs batteries), and Bowie was walking alongside me.  Just as we got to the drive, we both saw a small deer just standing there watching us.  He then kept on nibbling on the ground cover and hardly paid Bowie any attention.  I spoke to him and walked a little closer, and he then looked down to show me Wuffie lying there between us.  They all seem to be acquaintances - just three little boys enjoying the morning sunshine.  

Wuffie is between the deer and Bowie.  I shooed him away then since he was getting a little too close to my little pot of geraniums beside the car. I'm not sure they care about geraniums, but I do have a really pretty hosta out front that he would probably like to sample.  

One day last week, Ryan texted and asked me if I had any polyester batting.  I looked and had only cotton batting on hand and none of the polyester bags of stuffing I like to keep around.  I did find a pillow form which was 100% polyester that I knew I would never use and offered that to him.  He said he had decided to just buy some for his project, and it's a good thing he did.  That little bit would not have made a dent in what he was planning. 

There was a lot of trial and error on his part, and Emily ended up helping him pull off the surprise while Gray was at soccer and Kate was over here.  It was VERY impressive!

The sunset appeared right on cue to make for some beautiful and unusual pictures.

During the afternoon, the girls worked on designing a video game.  I have no idea what they're doing, but they love it and impressed me!

Kate has graduated into a red outfit for DMW instead of the white one and is pretty pleased with her new status.  She explains it all in the video below - if it works. 

I wish I could see Graysen's cross-country finals this afternoon, but it was too hard to work out the times and distance.  I am expecting some pictures and videos.  She's placed in all four meets so far, 3rd, 2nd, and two 1sts.  Hoping this speedy girl will get another first place and that all the girls and boys will have fun and maybe bring home an award for SMS.  

Field Day is Thursday at their school, and then there's a Halloween dance on the weekend.  This is new for me.  I should volunteer to be a chaperone, so I can see what this is all about.  I thought Homecoming was last week at the local high school, but the elementary school is having Spirit Week this week.  I really can't keep up, but then I'm not expected to!  

Finally, I had the 2-week checkup on my wisdom tooth extraction, and the biopsy was negative.  It was some sort of cyst that had gotten infected, so I hope it's taken care of now.  I do have bone loss in that jawbone, but I'll try not to worry about that until someone tells me I should.  

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