Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, and confusion into clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow." Beattie, 1990)
November is a great month to be thankful and grateful.
This is from one of the blogs I follow called
I am so impressed by so many people who take the time to share their ideas and photography, and I read a few of their blogs every day. I'm past the time of my life when I have a house that I need to decorate or holidays that I need to prepare for - in other words, all the stress. Now I can just enjoy seeing nice things and picking up a little decorating tip or recipe sometimes.
I tried keeping a gratitude journal a few times, and it just didn't work out for me. I should do that, I guess. I have a planner and a budget book and a password book and a brain dump book plus my phone and computer usually stacked up on the coffee table or dining table or beside my bed. There is just so much to do to keep up with all that and have a life too. My mind is full of crocheting and knitting and quilting ideas, although I don't follow through with them. Now I'm seeing Christmas things I want to do with the girls, and all we have time for is homework and a snack in the afternoons. I just want my world to slow down a little so I can enjoy myself! I did chat with a couple of people from Thomaston today, and that was nice. Facebook is good for that, keeping up with old friends and seeing what they're up to.
I would like to celebrate every day in November instead of mourning the end of blue skies and warm days. I'm going to try. Yesterday was one of those days where you don't really enjoy anything outside - or maybe it's just me. I received an email that a package had been delivered, but looking closer at the picture, I realized that was not my porch.
It didn't bother me too much because it happens quite frequently. My friend Noreen's former apartment was in the same building as mine but 201. I know all these numbers and front porches and side porches are confusing, so we usually just go out and walk around until we find our package - or someone will come and bring it to us.
I went out the garage door, planning to check my mail at the same time, but it had started to rain, and the wind had been swirling around all morning. That miserable kind of weather where you aren't dressed warmly enough and just have to bear it. I did spot my package at Apt 201, but I haven't met the new people yet or actually seen anyone move in. I rang the doorbell on the side porch, so they would know why I was creeping around the side of their place, but I got no answer. I did make my way around the corner and grab it from the front porch, but I was aware that I was trespassing and expected to see my picture on Nextdoor as a porch pirate. So far, I remain undetected.
As I was returning from picking up my mail, a mere 60 or so steps, I thought about my attitude and decided to try to enjoy the rain on my face. It's never hard rain, just a drizzle, so I'm thankful for that. And I don't have to stay out in it long. Plus there's the comfort of coming back in to a warm house and even having a fire if I want one. And I had a package of spoons to open!

I've gotten more exciting things this fall. In fact, I've been on a mission to treat myself to upgrades on small things I use every day - a new colander that fits on the sink, magnetic measuring spoons and cups, socks, vitamins, white appliance paint for touchups on my beautiful apartment-grade sinks - plus some cute fall decorations and a couple of birthday gifts for Elise. But the acquisition of these spoons and the four forks that are on the way is so satisfying. When we moved here 9 years ago, I got 8 place settings of the pattern shown above and have been happy with them, but I no longer have 8 spoons and 8 forks. How do you lose forks and spoons? I have some ideas but no proof. I think a few have left here with food that Elise took home with her - in fact, she admitted that she "might" have done that. Then there are constantly children here and an elderly careless person. I was happy to see that Amazon carried the pattern and that they were $10 to $12 apiece, so I planned to replace them gradually. Then this week I noticed that they were very much on sale and just decided to spring for 8 pieces to cover all my losses and maybe have an extra one or two.
So I'm grateful for rain and spoons? I guess so. Plus a visit from Noreen afterwards who had been out walking in that rain and never complained and an upcoming visit with another friend Mary today who is bringing her Scrabble game.
My sweet middle schooler was allowed to jump off her bus at the elementary school and come to my house
. She immediately started on her homework, which unfortunately was math yesterday. She has a web site that we refer to (because Ryan and I have to relearn all these things along with her). Math with Mr. J. I wish we'd had these helps when I was growing up.
It took me a little time to understand number lines again, but once I got into it, it was pretty exciting - if math can be called exciting. I think it helped Graysen to explain things to me, and she did a great job of keeping her mind on what she was doing. Once when we were arguing about an answer and my not understanding WHY, she said, "Hey, Google, what is the answer to negative 8 plus negative 10," and Google immediately took her side. I hate to admit it but after she left, I went back to Mr. J and got him to explain one of the rules again.
By the time Katherine got there, Graysen was finished with her homework and made them both a cup of hot chocolate - all by herself. They both had to leave around 5 to get Kate ready for soccer. They hardly ever call off practices or games because of a little rain, even though she left here with hope in her heart! I'm so glad I got to spend that happy time with them. Kate will come back Friday and bring a friend while Graysen has a Dungeons and Dragons group. I know nothing about that except that it was a big deal back when our kids were growing up. Graysen has a friend whose dad is willing to host a group of 4 or 5 girls and teach them to play, and they just love it.
I'm up early with a cup of coffee and a fire and just enjoying my life so much. So even though it's not November yet, I'm celebrating. Maybe I'll have some Halloween pictures tomorrow.
In the meantime, some oldies.