Friday, August 2, 2024

A New Month

 It's always nice to start new things on the first day of the month, although I know this might be the last August post.  It's good to finally get to know myself and my limitations.  

Instead of feeling guilty about leaving out hunks of time this summer, I'll just remember that these girls have journals and several pictures a day plus a nighttime journal with their mom, so they're not in any danger of losing the flow of their childhood.  It's so different from the time when I was 9 or 11.  We had just a few black-and-white pictures a month, if that, but we do have some pretty good memories.  There were hardly any distractions to keep our minds occupied, just play in our yard or with the neighborhood kids and church on Sunday.  Sometimes a birthday party or cousin visits. Now everything they do is recorded with bunches of pictures and chats and Facebook posts.  What will they do with all that looking back?  Maybe nothing.  

This is not a good day for writing anything about my day since the first thing I did was miss my haircut appointment.  I got a callback last week to make the appointment, but I was in a greenhouse looking at plants and had noting to write with.  I got the date right, but unfortunately I was an hour off on the time.  I tried to call and confirm yesterday afternoon, but no one answered, and their online page said Closed.  Open at 10:00 tomorrow.  I knew it was either 9:00 or 10:00 but was unsure.  I felt like that answered my question, so I didn't bother going in an hour early.  I should have.  I was their 9:00 appointment, so I had to reschedule for next Thursday.  This time I have a card.  

I did absolutely nothing noteworthy today except a few household things.  I watered my plants, back and front, and they're looking good.  We had two days of light rain and cooler weather, so it's been very nice.

Yesterday was a little more interesting.  Ryan was out of town, and Graysen was at soccer camp, so Kate came over here to hang out with me until Carly got home from swimming.  We then went to the library.  All three girls have more books than they're going to read, but they still want to go in and look at the ones on the shelf and come home with a few more.  It was nice to sit on the little couch in the children's section and work on my crossword puzzle.  

Carly and Kate playing with the water fountain like they've just discovered them.  They bring out the silliness in one another, but they are well-behaved usually, especially in the library.

We went to the Win-Bin house so the girls could play in Kate's room instead of in my limited apartment.  The people were there working on the bathroom, and the girls went straight upstairs.  I got a warm welcome from Gus, and he made sure I didn't get up unless I just had to.  

Tuesday was my 6-month checkup at the dentist, and I was dreading to go this time since I knew something had happened to my bottom left molars.  I noticed it two days after my last cleaning in January and should have gone back to have it checked.  But I didn't, and I'm not surprised I didn't.  I usually avoid any chance of bad news, and I figured this had something to do with a wisdom tooth that was found to be attached to my jawbone 10 or so years ago.  Sure enough, I got recommended to an oral surgeon, and here's another thing for me to worry about.  Because I have osteoporosis and have taken bone-repair-type medications, there is a chance for trouble.  I'm going to just try to put it in the back of my mind until I go in for my consultation on the 26th and see what the surgeon says.

During the spring, I got cataracts removed in both eyes, and it was as pleasant an experience as I could hope for.  I'm glad it's over, and once I get new glasses, I hope I'm seeing better overall but especially driving at night.  

Some pictures from a spontaneous trip to Mount Si Nursery last week.  Emily, the girls, and I enjoyed a nice afternoon looking at and buying some plants to fill in some empty spots.  

It seemed overcast, but the clouds quickly went away, and it was a beautiful day.

We noticed the elk were out, so we parked and got out for a little closer look.  The elk pretty much ignored us.

Plastic bread ties?

I'm falling asleep.  I'll come back and correct mistakes and add a few more things.  

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