Makena is in a different class, but they do get to see each other at recess on the days Makena is there.
James is one of her oldest friends, but for some reason, she ignored him at school last year. Their parents are friends, so they do fine when they're all together - but school! This year, though, they connected and play together. So glad to hear this because James is just the sweetest.
This year is so much better than last year. As soon as she gets in the car, she is telling us all about the things she did and how she played in the mud but didn't JUMP in the mud and all about the learning centers (Play-doh and sand) and the snacks (mac and cheese and alphabet soup).
I'm enjoying it too. Today was really my first day of full carpool duty since Emily took the week off last week, and I just went along when I wanted to. It was raining this morning, so I love just pulling up and letting Graysen hop out and go to the playground. Then, because the streets all around Rooster Valley are being redone, we have a drop-off and pick-up system where the teacher comes to the car and gets or drops off the child as we drive by, so I'm loving that too. They were getting soaked yesterday afternoon and this morning too. I can't imagine they'll keep it this way after the construction is finished, but the parents love it. It takes away a little bit from everyone getting to know each other, though. I enjoyed the small talk and getting to know who belonged to whom during the year.
One of the reasons Kate like school, all the cats, but Tom the Barn Cat doesn't look really cuddly

Pete and Tom after hours

Poppy is the classroom cat. I hope she likes children and is tolerant of squeezes and attention.

Graysen had her well-child checkup yesterday. She is now 6 years old and has never been to the doctor with an illness! So thankful for healthy girls.
She did get her flu shot though and was very brave. She now wants to go with me to get mine and see if I'm as brave.
A little yoga before dinner.
It's already time for pickup. Soccer game tonight. Probably rain. Let's see how THAT goes!
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