The family went camping and drove by to say good-bye. Little birds chirping "Bye, Mimi!" over and over and little hands out the windows. I wish I had gone down to hug them. I'm trying to keep the worrying at bay, because if I let it, it will dampen my spirits this weekend. I finally got Emily to tell me where they were going. No big deal to them, but I was once the same way. They're going to Camano Island State Park, which makes me feel better. I was afraid they were going across the Pass to Eastern Washington in those isolated forests they love, but this is just the 4 of them, and they're not roughing it quite as much. On one of our trips up here before children, we all went to Whidby Island by ferry and had a really nice day. It helped that there was a quilt shop there.
I can't read any more, it seems. That big stack of books that I was so excited about 3 weeks ago just didn't hold my interest. I finished Redemption by James Baldacci last night, and while it was good, I just didn't find myself hurrying to finish it. Same with the Michelle Obama book. I love it while I'm reading it, but I don't stop everything to go back to it. So, back to the library with these:
There, There just didn't interest me any more, and Fifth Season was just crazy. It doesn't matter if it has been the book that's won the most literary awards the last few years, I just can't spend much time reading about a world of one continent and people called Rock Eaters within the first two pages. The Invisible Man, I just was not going to finish.
This is the book I had on hold.

Just reading the back cover made me grab another book just in case this was one I couldn't get into. I got the book of short stories by Tom Hanks that I had seen on the paperback rack a few times. Surely, that one will do until some of my other ones come in. Looks like it's time to request another big stack. Heaven forbid I'm without any.
I do have a new hobby though and not one that I asked for. I was in Michael's the other day to get my exciting new little cart. I'm spending a good bit of time in my bedroom since the girls play there, and there is just no place to put my "stuff." I was tempted by the gold one and even liked the lavender one, but I settled for a plain old gray one. Can't beat $25 for it. I had looked at the original style at Ikea for awhile, but it's a good bit more expensive, and we don't have an Ikea near enough for me to venture out to one.

This was just as I dumped a coffee table and night stand full of stuff onto it

I'm sure this is as organized as it's likely to be. It rolls out of the way nicely to give me a little more room while the girls pull out their toys in the gray bins. I have grocery lists and coupons on the bottom, library books and planners and other notebooks on the middle shelf, and pens and scissors and stray sewing projects on the top one.
Right now, the library books are gone, and a stack of paper dolls I'm cutting out has taken their place. I'll cut out those clothes all day just to listen to the stories they make up with them as they play.
Anyway, back to Michael's. Everything I bought was on sale, and I had a 40% coupon for a regular-priced item. Not one to waste that, I remembered how much Graysen loved her art class last year, working with clay, so I got a beginner set of polymer clay, the kind you have to bake. I'm not sure what I thought I was doing, but I've slightly regretted it ever since.
Not that they don't love it. They love it TOO much. In fact, we got Elise hooked, and the four of us sit at the table and have the best time making our things. Not many of them are recognizable, especially after baking, but we've loved it.
Graysen's first project was a Kawaii doughnut, and she did a great job with it. We still lack the eye pins to make a charm out of it and don't have a tiny flower cookie cutter, but she embellished it with some gold eye shadow Elise had and sprinkled on some sequins, and it was a beauty.
Katherine was content to just squish hers around a lot and have other people make things (cats) for her.
Elise showed her talent by making a frog.
The beret looked a little boring, so she stuck a dandelion bloom in it, but unfortunately it was lost in the baking. The blush is for adding color if needed.
I was pretty proud of my purple duck or bird or whatever it was. I like that it has paws instead of duck or chicken feet.
It started out like this, so I did improve a little bit on it.
Until someone picked it up and squashed the beak.
I redeemed myself with this pumpkin though.
The one thing keeping Graysen's interest is a YouTube channel that a young girl from Australia has showing how she does all her little Kawaii charms. Her name is Rachel, and her YouTube channel is She's quite good, and we're all hoooked. Now when screen time comes around, it's RACHY instead of Paw Patrol and Puffin Rock. The only problem is that she make it look so easy (and it's NOT!) that we think we're going to run to the table and make a cute little cat with a ball of yarn, and that's not exactly what it looks like when we're done.
I did try her instructions for this little freeform star one night, and it's not too bad. A little scary-looking but sort of starish shaped.
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