Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Ending Up the Summer

It was an exciting time for the girls since Grandma and Grandpa Bindert came to stay a little over a week.  It was a nice rest of Mimi too, since my only duties most days were taking and picking up Katherine from school.  They did so many things with their more adventurous grandparents.  They brought a pool and water cannons and I'm not sure what all else along with peaches and tomatoes and a watermelon.  Graysen loves to walk with them to Safeway to get a doughnut, and they did that a couple of times.  I'm not sure if Katherine went.  They don't get that with me, since you have to make your way across the parkway.  I did meet them one morning after dropping off Katherine, and we enjoyed some coffee and doughnuts or bagels at Starbucks.

They all went to a lake one day, Rattlesnake maybe, and stayed very busy going for walks, going to the parks, going for milkshakes, playing in the hot tub.  Emily had a family work-related party one evening, so Millie, Al, and I went and got dinner at the North Bend Bar and Grill.  It was my first time there, and it was pretty nice.  It was just good to get out with people close to my age and without children.  All three of us adore the children, but it's fun to have grownup talk without being interrupted.  We were all sad when they left.

I only took one picture of them the whole week.  Maybe I can get a few from Emily.

Speaking of grownups, I did have conversations with people this week that were over 40 and not related to children - mostly.  I met a grandmother at the park with her grandchildren.  She stays during the week to keep the children and then drives to Eastern Washington on the weekends.  She got my phone number, so if we don't meet again at the park, maybe we'll get together.  Unfortunately, Graysen and her granddaughter never really seemed to develop a rapport and play together much.

Emily and Ryan's neighbor Debby from across the street saw us sitting in the swing on the front porch and came over, and we ended up talking over an hour.  She has been wanting me to play bridge with a group, and I once thought I might, but I just came to the conclusion that's not something I think I would enjoy, relearning all that bidding/trump/ruff stuff with people I don't know well.  I've gotten to the age when I'm just able to say no.  I did say yes to her invitation to come over for coffee.  She got a new Keurig and got a big sample box of K-cups, so as soon as I have a free day next week, I'll go see if she has any cinnamon roll cups.

I had another dinner last night with Phil and Marie, my former neighbors who moved down to Snoqualmie.  I miss them, and it was really good to see them.  Phil is never serious, and Marie and I just hold on for the ride.  I walked down to the Infusion Bar and Grill (second bar and grill in a week), which is a block from the apartment.  It was another beautiful night, and they walked back with me to see if they could find any other people they knew.  I'm going to miss Phil being there to make sure the stairs were safe when it snowed or iced and clearing my windshield.  A couple of times, I threw him the keys off the balcony, and he cranked my car.  Yep, I'll miss that when those cold mornings start.

End of August - sweater weather.  I've been wearing a jacket in the mornings and forgetting to wear them home, so I now have two of them at Emily's.  I think Graysen is looking forward to snuggly days with hot chocolate and a fire.

Last week was a warm day though.  Graysen's new school is a block from my place, so we walked over and met Emily for a playdate for new kindergarteners.  Emily was to give out Boeing tickets for the golf tournament right near there and was going to change places with me, but it seemed easier for her just to stay and let me go to the playdate.  Graysen was very shy the whole time and would hardly talk to anyone, but she did find two little girls and two boys who are going to be in her class.  There are five K classes, and the only girls she knew from Rooster Valley are in two different classes.  The new friends seemed nice, though, and she'll do fine.  Her neighbor across the street is in her class, Shreta (sp).  That will be nice too, to go in knowing someone.

On the way home, we stopped at this little park we've been meaning to check out.  It's tiny with not very many things to play on, but we were the only ones, and she had such fun by herself.

She's getting the hang of the monkey bars - I don't think they call them that up here - and when she saw Emily later that day and was telling her about it, she said, "Mama, I monked all the way across."

Thursday was a busy day.  Emily said I was trying to get back to being favorite grandmother, but we just decided to go over to Kidz Bounce all of a sudden.  It was packed, and Katherine was a little reluctant to get involved in a mesh cage with 10 or so kids in it, but she managed to have a pretty good time.  Graysen just takes off and boinks and bounces and slides with all the others.  

We went to McDonald's for lunch, which still remains their favorite place.  No playground, and they don't love the food, but they go for the excitement of people watching (and commenting).  

Friday we went to Bartell's for an ice cream cone.  Graysen always gets mint chocolate chip and Katherine "purple."  The only purplish this time was raspberry sorbet, and I was a little afraid she'd hate it, but the server offered her a little spoon of it.  She gagged.  So, good call.  She ended up with cookies and cream and ate every bite.

Bears are still roaming the streets.  There's a new sighting every couple of days, but I haven't seen one.  The weather is beautiful, and I'm enjoying every bit of it.  

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