I've had an ongoing list of things to do, buy, pack, take care of, etc, before we leave on our trip - which is suddenly this weekend. I started April 30th and am finally caught up except these last 2 days are so full, I wish I could have gotten some of the things done earlier in the month.
This is what we're doing at 4:00 in the morning.
The most exciting package has been delivered.
The old blower was 20 years old and had done its job well through those years. I asked for particulars on the new one, and I heard only that its AC powered and extremely powerful. I think that's a warning to the cats and me to stay out of the way.
Once the dining room chairs got their makeover, Mike started on the breakfast room chair, one of which has been a little shaky since we got it and more over the years.
I like to think my quilting and sewing books are useful.
Here is my early morning activity.
I love sew-alongs because they force me to finish things, or at least give it a good try to avoid being embarrassed in front of all the others. I should never have started this in the busiest month of the year, but it's very informal - just the leader and one other person, and they're aware that I won't even have a sewing machine next week.
It's through Adorable Heirlooms, a sweet online heirloom shop that I've ordered from before. Laurie is very talented and has the best way of teaching and suggesting things. We have a private Facebook page where we have times set up to chat and can post pictures and ask questions any time.
The pattern is Baby Playsuit #123 by Michie Mooney. I decided to do the skirted version.
The fabric is a beautiful micro-gingham and is a polycotton for no ironing - hopefully.
I got 2 kinds of piping and some perfect yellow buttons. I also ordered some yellow and white whipstitch piping but like the slicker yellow best. In the picture above, I was considering putting Graysen's monogram on it.
I then considered 2 other options.
A smocked insert from one of Laurie's designs. Ignore that bottom row. I pleated one too few rows and was having to smock on the holding row - and I notice now that it's the wrong blue. Not sure where that one came from. The middle row will have yellow colonial knot flowers to match the piping and buttons.
But then for several reasons, I decided to use this machine embroidered faux smocking from Applique Junkie.
I'll either get some more royal gingham or possibly use some yellow that I already have for a dress or jumper and use the smocking for that.
I also decided to add a ruffle around the armhole edges, so that's where I am right now.
I may be a little behind when we have our chat Monday night. I'll join in from the beach but won't have anything to add. The other participant is Ann from New Jersey. Laurie is from Michigan. Who says heirloom smocking and sewing is only for the South? We had a nice discussion on the last chat about how babies should be dressed like babies and not like miniature grownups - I think we're in the minority nowadays, but we're sticking with our guns.
Well -- that green bathroom. In spite of all my looking at sample bathrooms and sample colors and Mike testing lots of colors, it still ended up being - not what I wanted. When it was all over and there was a splotch of green paint on the floor, it looked exactly like lime sherbet.
The color is actually not as lime as the above picture shows but not as pretty as the one below. Mike likes the fact that Mama uses Bed Head hairspray. There's still a little touching up and neatening to do, but it's good to have that over with.
She says she likes it, and I know it's an improvement over this.
But sometimes at night when I look down the hall and see that green glow coming from the bathroom, I have my doubts.
No pictures of Graysen today. Starting tomorrow night, that sweet baby will have a camera in her face more than she wants for a week. And a good many of them will end up here!
So instead Darby and Stella/Molly still trying to understand why humans are in their room in the middle of the night.
Darby got a new haircut yesterday, and we finally found an excellent groomer who did a great job and managed to leave her with a little feminine wave to her ears and tail while getting rid of ALL that hair she seems to grow. She doesn't look that happy about it, but she turns into a puppy again when she comes home with short hair.
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